Daystar University is re-launching its academic journal Perspectives: An Interdisciplinary Academic Journal of Daystar University. This is an attempt to raise its profile to meet international standards. To ensure this, the University has put in place an editorial board of repute made up of experts who command international respect in their fields of specialisations.
The Perspective is an interdisciplinary academic journal of Daystar University. Its purpose is to foster a better understanding of the various academic disciplines and professions.
The editor welcomes manuscripts from the following categories: Communication, Language, Linguistics & Literature, Education, Psychology, Community Development, Child Development, Peace and reconciliation, Theology, Business, Economics, Science, and Computer Science. The editor invites original articles that fall within the mission and scope of the Journal. The submitted work should not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Publication of abstracts and presentations at conferences do not jeopardize the publication of an article.
The author(s) shall be required to make a declaration that their work has not been published, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Further, they should declare that the submitted work is their own and no copyright has been breached in seeking the publication of the article. Moreover, the author(s) should pull down any drafts or abstracts placed on the internet immediately after submitting the work. The author(s) have a responsibility to obtain full permission to use copyrighted material that they may require in their work. Documentary evidence of such a permit may be required.
Author(s) of articles should meet all the three criteria mentioned below. Authorship credit should be based on substantial contribution to:
The author of an article should make acknowledgements of all significant contributions received from individuals who do not qualify to be author(s) e.g. data analysts, copy typists, translators mentioning the contribution made by each. Where a paper is co-authored, a list of all contributing author(s) should be provided by the corresponding author and should declare that nobody who qualifies to be an author has been excluded from the list. A short description of each author's contribution to the work submitted will be required. The author(s) should also state that their work has been approved by the relevant authorities where such approval is required.
Submitted papers must be the original work of the author(s) and should not violate any existing local and international copyright laws. The copyright of published papers shall be held by Daystar University but author(s) retain the right to use their own work in other publications provided they acknowledge Daystar University as the original publisher.
Review procedure
The authors are advised to ensure that no information in the body of the text or the appendices reveal their identity. When papers are submitted to the peer reviewers, the title page will be removed to conceal their identity. The peer review reports are sent to the editor who removes any information disclosing the identity of the reviewer before forwarding the reports to the authors. Papers submitted will be assigned for peer review to highly competent editors recognised in the areas. The editors will comment on the acceptability of the manuscript within a month of submission. If the papers are accepted, they will be sent back to the authors to implement the revisions suggested by the reviewers. The authors will have 80 days to return the revised paper. After resubmission, the papers will be reevaluated to ascertain that the issues raised by the reviewers have been adequately addressed. The papers may then be accepted for publication or rejected.
We recommend that the work submitted for review should be no more than 6,000 - 7000 words ***(not more than 20 pages single-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman fonts) excluding the appendices.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Rejected Papers
Papers will be rejected if it they are found to be below the standards set for publication in the journal. Such papers will be returned to the authors with the reviewers’ comments explaining why they have been rejected, such as if the methods used are not clear or are faulty, findings are not supported by the data, or the papers do not contain any new insights or are too sketchy. Rejected papers will not be reevaluated.
For further enquiry contact us on Email: research@daystar.ac.ke or call 0709 972 000