Directorate of

Resource Mobilisation, Projects & Partnerships

Home >Directorate of Resource Mobilisation, Projects & Partnerships

Director's Welcome Message

The Directorate of Resource Mobilisation, Projects & Partnerships has three prongs namely: Resource Mobilisation; Projects; and Partnerships.

 It is abundantly clear that reliance on tuition fee is becoming inadequate, particularly in these difficult economic times. Be that as it may, the university must rise above the uncertain economic fluctuations to achieve greater financial independence that will allow the creation of a stable support system, sustainable programs and research and ultimately shape the university’s future.

 The directorate is keen on seeking out funding opportunities that align with God’s mandate for humanity as faithful stewards of what he has entrusted to us. Resource mobilisation activities are multifaceted in nature and are geared toward enhancing mutual bond interest and friendship. Among other activities, the directorate seeks to organize targeted partner relations, respond to requests for proposals and grant writing, pitch for faculty and student exchange programs.

 The directorate is keen on responding to the University’s mandate in being a witness among Daystar community members and the wider community. This thrust motivates for seeking donor trust and help in such projects through the needs of schools and Directorates, so far the following projects and either ongoing or near completion

Vision statement

 To be faithful stewards of God-given resources for the expansion of His Kingdom

Mission statement

 To manage God-given resources with openness and integrity as faithful stewards in the enrichment of God’s people


 Faithfully stewarding God’s resources


  • Ensure faithful administration of donor funding.
  • Maintain openness in the reporting of status of projects and nature of partnerships.
  • Ensure meaningful partnerships are recruited and established for greater networking and future collaborations.
  • Review and monitor the appropriation of donor base support as per the university strategic plan.
  • Link the community with possible calls for funding and collaboration through the School’s and Directorates.
  • Endeavor to sustain a stronger networked Alumni base for continued support and enrichment of Daystar University and community

Core values

  • 1. Integrity
  • 2. Compassion
  • 3. Truthfulness
  • 4. Accountability

Video Presentation Chapel Project


On 21st January 2020, the Vice-chancellor, Prof. Laban Ayiro led the University community in the commissioning of the new borehole at the Main Campus, Athi River. The borehole, which cost Ksh1.7 million for both drilling and reticulation, yields up to 276,000 cubic meters of water per day, which is 50% more than the required. Has been revived.

Farming Project

The Vice-chancellor’s livestock project began in January 2020 with the purchase of 54 female goats, 23 male goats and five cows. The herd was acquired from Kitui at a cost of kes.400, 000. Already the flock has increased by 12 kids, and five more are expectant.

The Perimeter Wall

The perimeter wall construction is underway and the work has progressed significantly with about 85% of the work on Phase one, completed. The project is estimated to cost kes.47M and Daystar US is working to raise the funds. Construction of Phase 11 will follow after the completion of phase 1.

Gym Refurbishment

Construction work for the student gym at the Main Campus, Athi River is 95% complete. Pending work is fixing of the windows and doors, painting and electrical fittings. The estimated cost for the construction is Kes.8M. Equipment for the whole gym has been donated through the Daystar Us office, and is ready for shipment.

Beautification of the Main Campus

The beautification project of the Main campus has seen approximately 7, 000 trees planted on the expansive 300-acrage Athi River campus.  That tree planting ceremony was part of the New Dawn initiative meant to put Daystar University on a path to healing and to realign the University with its Mission and Vision.

Chapel Project

At the proposed Chapel construction site on the rock, the guests, both ordained clergy prayed for the successful construction of the 350 million project.