Doulos Ministry is a group made up of young, passionate and energetic Daystar University students seeking to serve God through the outdoors. The ministry concerns itself with team building, adventure expeditions and camping. Doulos Team Builders and Freedom Base Camp is the only fully fledged outdoor center in a University in the whole of the East and Central Africa.
is an experience…In attempting to meet various challenges, groups at freedom base experience new understanding of communication, cooperation, trust, self-reliance, team work, respect, judgment/decision making, inter/intra personal relationships, strengths, weakness, support and environmental care.
is an opportunity…. A chance to push yourself a little further than the usual, a time to explore your strengths and weakness in a group of people want to help you, a time to build stronger bonds with your friends, a time to sit and share a beautiful sunset or the warmth of a camp fire and talk about thing that matter.
When you arrive at the freedom base you will be welcomed by young, knowledgeable, energetic and enthusiastic team of facilitators. You will wonder about the simple structures scattered around. Soon you will discover their riches. If you want a higher challenge, try the High ropes, designed for both individual and group, the high ropes course welcomes you to try new initiatives while balancing nearly ten meters above the ground on logs, ropes and steel cables.
Each of these challenges has been designed to enable participants to discover new levels of community and self-understanding. The experiences of thousands of people world over have demonstrated the value of this approach to team building and leadership development.
For further enquiries contact the Doulos Coordinator on Email: or call 0709 972 000.
Elements at Freedom Base