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Showing (441 - 460 of 824 publications)
Prof. Michael Bowen

Kitilit C.J., Bowen M., Amata E. (2016), The Role of Agency Banking In Improving Financial Access in Kenya: Case Study of Langata Constituency, Journal of Developing Country Studies, available at https://www.iprjb.org/journals/index.php/JDCS/article/download/38/37/

Prof. Wandia Njoya

“Save the Nation.” Femolution, edited by Liz Kilili. Creatives Garage, 2016, 84-85. “So,” and “An email for Antonio Jacinto” [Poems]. Reflections: An Anthology of New Work by African Women Poets, edited by Anthonia C. Kalu, Juliana Makuchi Nfah-Abbenyi and Omofolabo Ajayi-Soyinka, Lynne Rienner, 2013, pp. 44-46.

Dr. Leah Jerop Komen

Komen, L. (2016). M-PESA: A Socio-economic assemblage in rural Kenya. Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network, 9(5), 1-12. doi:10.31165/nk.2016.95.458

Dr. Leah Jerop Komen

Komen, L. (2016). ““Here you can use it”. Understanding mobile phone sharing and the concerns it elicits in rural Kenya. for (e) dialogue, 1(1), 52-65. doi:10.29311/for(e)dialogue.v1i1.532

Dr. Leah Jerop Komen

Karaimu, P.K., Kimotho, S, and Komen, L.J (2016) Influence of Media Messages on Self-Efficacy Towarsd Cervical Cancer Screening among women aged 18-30 Years in Kiambu Institute of Technology. http://erepo.usiu.ac.ke/handle/11732/1/discover?query=KOMEN+&submit=Go

Dr. Elizabeth Mukai Kithuka

Kithuka, E. and Otuya, P., (2016) Assessing Determinants of Women Economic Empowerment IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 21, Issue 1, Ver. I (Jan. 2016) PP 00-00 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.

Dr. Cherui Rodgers Gowon

Cherui R & Choge S. (2016) The effects of Teachers Motivation on Quality Teaching and Learning in Primary Schools in Kenya. A Case of Eldoret Municipality in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology IJSRST Vol 2 (5) 202-207 ISSN 2395-602X https://ijsrst.com/IJSRST162544

Dr. Cherui Rodgers Gowon

 Cherui, R & Maru, E (2016) Evaluation of the Level of Awareness and Support offered by relevant Stakeholders for Appropriate Placement of Children with Special Needs in Kenya. A case of Uasin Gishu County in International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research Vol 4(3)614-623 ISSN23483164. https://www.researchpublish.com/papers/evaluation-of-the-level-of-awareness-and-support-offered-by-relevant-stakeholders-for-appropriate-placement-of-children-with-special-needs-in-kenya-a-case-of-uasin-gishu-county

Dr. Cherui Rodgers Gowon

Kipkenei, S.K., Ndiku, J., Maiyo, J and Cherui. R (2016) Evaluation of Resource Needs and Service Delivery of Performance Contracting in Public Primary Teachers Training Colleges in Kenya In International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Vol 2 Issue 4 Online ISSN 2395-602x. Journal URL https://ijsrst.com/paper/541.pdf

Dr. Cherui Rodgers Gowon

Anne Ngure, Rotumoi, J., Cherui, R., Mbugua, J & Mbugua .S. (2016) Challenges that are Significant in Affecting performance of Women in Managerial Positions in Kenyan Public Universities. A Case of Selected Universities in Kenya. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (IJBMER), Vol 7(2), 2016, 555-559 http://www.ijbmer.com/docs/volumes/vol7issue2/ijbmer2016070204.pdf

Prof. Laban P. Ayiro, PhD

Ayiro, L. P. (2016), Measuring Learning outcomes in Kenya: Context and perspectives in Alexander W. Wiseman, Emily Anderson(ed). Annual Review of .... Practice International Education 2015 (International Perspectives on Eduction and Society volume 28), Emerald Group Publishing limited, pp 223

Sr. Prof. Agnes Lucy Lando PhD

Lando, A. L. (2016) “Using Media to Resolve Media Engendered Ethnic Conflicts in Multiracial Societies: The Case of Somalis of Kenyan Origin.”   In  Gibson, S. & Lando, A. L. (Eds.) Impact of Communication and the Media on Ethnic Conflict: USA: IGI Global {cf. http://www.igi-global.com/book/impact-communication-media-ethnic-conflict/139301} pp.126-146

Sr. Prof. Agnes Lucy Lando PhD

Lando, A. L. and Kochomay, S. (2016) “Traditional African Culture and Communication: The Missing Link in Cattle Rustling Interventions among Pastoralist Communities in Northern Kenya.”   In  Gibson, S. & Lando, A. L. (Eds.) Impact of Communication and the Media on Ethnic Conflict: USA: IGI Global {cf. http://www.igi-global.com/book/impact-communication-media-ethnic-conflict/139301}. pp 253-272

Prof. Wandia Njoya

“Filigrees of Knowledge.” African Futures: Thinking about the Future in Word and Image, edited by Lien Heindereich-Seleme and Sean O’Toole, Keber, 2016, pp. 309-314

Prof. Laban P. Ayiro, PhD

Ayiro, P. L. & Sang J.K. (2016) Provision of Education to the Hard to reach Amidst Discontinuity in Normadic Communities in Kenya. Forum for International Research in Education 3(3) Articles2

Sr. Prof. Agnes Lucy Lando PhD

Lando, A. L.,  Muthuri, L. Anyango, O. E. Macharia, J. W,  Nsubuga, S. Mwengah, M.  Odira, P. R (2016)  “Retesting Cultivation Theory on the Origins, Causes, and Predictors of Aggression: The Case of Pre- and Post-Genocide Rwanda” in Kommunikáció, Média, Gazdaság (2016) VIII. ÉVFOLYAM, 1. SZÁM – pp. 5-42

Dr.  Sylvia Tuikong

Tuikong, S. (2016). Types and Nature of Peace Building Strategies Employed by Humanitarian Organizations after 2007 Post Election Violence in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. International Journal of Recent Research in Social Sciences and
Humanities (IJRRSH), Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. (124-154). July-September 2016.

Dr.  Sylvia Tuikong

Wamalwa, D.N, Wanjala, T.N. & Tuikong, S. (2016) Nature and Influence of Conflict in Kibera and Mathare Slums after 2007 Elections in Kenya: International Journal of Recent Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (URRSSH) Volume 3, Issue 2, pp (9-16), Month: April 2016-June 2016.

Dr.  Philemon Yugi

Maina RM, Some ES, P. Yugi and Kariuki JG. Knowledge on helmet use by motorcycle riders and passengers in rural Rabai sub county in Kilifi County- Kenya. International Journal of Current Science and Technology. Vol.4, Issue, 10, pp. 278-280, October, 2016

Dr.  Philemon Yugi

Monica Matetai, Philemon Yugi. Assessment on the Use of Monitoring and Evaluation System in Constituency Development Fund, Nairobi County. Journal of Public Policy and Administration, Vol 1, No 1 (2016) – IPRJB

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