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30 Publications

Sr. Prof. Agnes Lucy Lando PhD

Full Professor, School of Communication

Title and Responsibilities

  • Director of Research and Graduate Studies (2020-2023)
  • Full Professor of Communication and Media Studies
  • Associate Professor of Communication and Media Studies (since 1st Sept 2015)
  • Member, Daystar University Senate (since 9th February 2015)
  • Member, Daystar University Senate Curriculum Review and Development Committee (from 2016)
  • Chair, Daystar University Institutional Scientific and Ethics Review Committee (from Oct 2018)
  • Chair, Daystar University Chancellor’s Forum since 2016
  • Chair, Daystar University Crisis and Communication Committee of Senate (from November 2017)


Academically, I am a top grade scholar of Communication and Media Studies having had the rare opportunity to study in world class universities of Daystar (BA & MA) and La Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, Italia (PhD).

Because of my vast administration work experience, I am a firm hands-on and results-oriented transformative leader, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit; and in practise, strive to observe Christian and work ethics, teamwork, and team spirit. In the face of challenges, I endure, guided by my religious motto: “to love and serve where you are needed but not wanted, and leaving when you are wanted but not needed.”

Academic Qualifications

  • PhD in Social Sciences (Magna Cum Laude), Specialization in  Social Communication September 2005 – April 2008 - La Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, Italia
  • MA in Communication (Human and Intercultural Communication) Aug 2000 -  June 2002 - Daystar University (Nairobi, Kenya
  • BA in Communication (Major) and English (minor) with a specialization in Audiovisual productions. Aug 1995 -  May 1999 - Daystar University
  • Certificate in Accountancy (1992-1993) - Nyegezi Social Training Institute, Mwanza, Tanzania (now St. Augustine University of Tanzania
  • Grant Writing Training workshop (Certificate of participation) , 2016 - African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)
  • Research training  (Certificate of participation), 2015 - African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)
  • Professional Certificate in Higher Education Teaching (70 credit hours), 2014 -  Daystar University & CELT
  • Bioethics training, 2014 - The University of Nairobi, KAVI-Institute of Clinical Research

Publications (30 Publications)


  • Adar, K. G., Kasaija, P. A., Lumumba, P. L. O., Lando, A. L. and Masabo, J. (2020). Eds.  Popular Participation in the Integration of the East African Community: Eastafricanness and Eastafricanization.  Lexington Books, an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., Maryland

  • Kehbuma, L. and Lando, A. L. eds. (2020) Digital Communications at Crossroads In Africa: A Decolonial Approach. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers: New York / UK

  • Gibson, S. & Lando, A. L. (2016) Impact of Communication and the Media on Ethnic Conflict: USA: IGI Global.

  • Gichure, P. I., Lando, A.L & Kanakulya, J. B. (2011) eds. Modelling a Catholic University to Meet the 21st Century Challenges: Essays in Honour of Revd. Prof. John. C. Maviiri. Nairobi: The Catholic University of Eastern Africa. 

  • Lando, A.L. (2008). Integration of African Traditional Media and Modern Methods of Communication: A pre-requisite for Inculturation of the Christian Message in the Local Church of Eastern Africa. Excerpts from Doctoral Dissertation, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.


  • Musa, B. A. and Lando, A. L. (2022) “Religion and Online Community in African Contexts” in the Oxford Handbook of Digital Religion. Oxford University Press.

  • Lando, A. L. (2016) {Scopus indexed in Dec 2022} “Using Media to Resolve Media Engendered Ethnic Conflicts in Multiracial Societies: The Case of Somalis of Kenyan Origin” in Gibson, S. & Lando, A. L. (Eds.) Impact of Communication and the Media on Ethnic Conflict: USA: IGI Global

Book Chapters

  • Lando, A. L. & Radoli, L. (2021). To Cover or not to cover? A Critical Discourse analysis of mainstream media news framing of children in Kenyan care homes. In Borden, L. S, (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Media and Poverty (266-276). Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group.

  • Lando, A. L.  (2020) ‘Digital Communications at Cross-roads in Africa: A Proposed Decolonial Solution Approach from Within’ in  Kehbuma, L. and Lando, A. L. (2020) Digital Communications at Crossroads In Africa: A Decolonial Approach. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers: New York / UK

  • Lando, A. L. And Nguru, F. W.  (2020)  ‘Kenya Citizens’ Sovereignty and the EAC Nexus: The Role of Communication’ in  Adar, K. G., Kasaija, P. A., Lumumba, P. L. O., Lando, A. L. and Masabo, J. (2020). Eds.  Popular Participation in the Integration of the East African Community: Eastafricanness and Eastafricanization. Lexington Books, an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., Maryland

  • Nguru, F. & Lando, A. L. (2018) “Black African Communication Theory: A religious perspective” in Langmia, K (2018) Black/ Africana Communication Theories. Palgrave Macmillan, New York/UK, pp. 125-148

  • Lando, A. L. (2017). Media-Invented Stories and Outright Lies a Threat to Journalism Ethics and Media Credibility. In N. Mhiripiri, & T. Chari (Eds.), Media Law, Ethics, and Policy in the Digital Age (pp. 64-77). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978 1-5225-2095-5.ch004. pp. 64-77

  • Lando, A. L. (2017) Journalists’ Frequent Movement from One Media House to Another Expose Emerging Challenges of Media Management in Africa in the Digital Age in Friedrichsen, M. and Kamalipour, Y. (eds). Digital Transformation in Journalism and News Media: Media Management, Media Convergence and Globalization. Springer: Cham, Switzerland pp. 131 – 149

  • Lando, A. L. (2016) “Using Media to Resolve Media Engendered Ethnic Conflicts in Multiracial Societies: The Case of Somalis of Kenyan Origin.”   In  Gibson, S. & Lando, A. L. (Eds.) Impact of Communication and the Media on Ethnic Conflict: USA: IGI Global {cf. http://www.igi-global.com/book/impact-communication-media-ethnic-conflict/139301} pp.126-146

  • Lando, A. L. and Kochomay, S. (2016) “Traditional African Culture and Communication: The Missing Link in Cattle Rustling Interventions among Pastoralist Communities in Northern Kenya.”   In  Gibson, S. & Lando, A. L. (Eds.) Impact of Communication and the Media on Ethnic Conflict: USA: IGI Global {cf. http://www.igi-global.com/book/impact-communication-media-ethnic-conflict/139301}. pp 253-272

  • Lando, A. L. & Mwangi, S (2014). “Social Media and Mobile Phones are bonding and Vilification Tools: Exposing Kenya’s 2013 Post-Election Violence.” In B. A. Musa & J. Willis (Eds.), From Twitter to Tahrir Square: Ethics in Social and New Media Communication, Vol. 1. Wesport, CT: Praeger.

  • Lando, A. L. (2014). “Rumours on Social Media: Implications for Individuals and Society.” In B. A. Musa & J. Willis (Eds.), From Twitter to Tahrir Square: Ethics in Social and New Media Communication, Vol. 2. Wesport, CT: Praeger.

  • Lando, A. L. (2012) “Christian Higher Institutions of Learning in Africa as Model Sites of Tolerance, Co-existence and Peace: A Case Study of Daystar University and The Catholic University of Eastern Africa”  in  Bwangatto, A. J (ed) Africa is Not Destined to Die: Signs of Hope and Renewal. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa; pp. 254-278

  • Lando, A. L. (2011) “Who do the People say that I am? Perceptions of Rev. Prof. John C. Maviiri by The Catholic University of Eastern Africa Community” in Gichure, P.I, Lando, A. L. & Kanakulya, J.B. Modelling a Catholic University to Meet the 21st Century challenges: Essays in Honour of Revd. Prof. John C. Maviiri. Nairobi: The Catholic University of Eastern Africa;  pp. 17-40

  • Lando, A. L. (2011) “ Living the Catholic Identity in Non-Catholic Universities: Guidelines Derived from the Believed and Lived Experience of Rev. Prof. John C. Maviiri” in Gichure, P.I, Lando, A. L. & Kanakulya, J.B. Modelling a Catholic University to Meet the 21st Century challenges: Essays in Honour of Revd. Prof. John C. Maviiri. Nairobi: The Catholic University of Eastern Africa;  pp. 97-110.

  • Lando, A. L. (2010) “ On going Education in African universities: Filling in the Gaps in Miya, F.  & Mageto , P. Developing Continuing Education in Africa. Nairobi: Daystar University; pp. 11-25.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Borzekowski, D.L.G., Lando, A.L., Olsen, S.H. et al. IJEC (2019).  “The Impact of an Educational Media Intervention to Support Children’s Early Learning in Rwanda”.   https://doi.org/10.1007/s13158-019-00237-4 Journal of Early Childhood. pp 109-125 Springer.

  • Croucher, S. M.,  Kelly, S. Rahmani, D. Burkey, M. Subanaliev,  T., Galy-Badenas, F., Lando, A. L., Chibita, M., Nyiransabimana, V., Turdubaeva, E., Eskiçorapçı, N.,  & Kelsea,  J. (2019)”A multi-national validity analysis of the self-perceived communication competence scale.” https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/Pg6wjDXSX8cqByGD2bVR/full?target=10.1080/17513057.2019.1569250 Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. pp 1-12

  • Croucher, S.M., Kelly, S. Rahmani, D. Jackson, K. Galy-Badenas, F. Lando, A. L. Chibita, M. Nyiranasbimana, V. Turdubaeva, E. Eskiçorapçı, N. Condon, S. M., Stanalieva, G. & Orunbekov, B. (2019) “A multi-national validity analysis of the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA-24             DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2019.1602783; Annals of the International Communication Association. Pp. 1-17

  • Lando, A. L.,  Muthuri, L. Anyango, O. E. Macharia, J. W,  Nsubuga, S. Mwengah, M.  Odira, P. R (2016)  “Retesting Cultivation Theory on the Origins, Causes, and Predictors of Aggression: The Case of Pre- and Post-Genocide Rwanda” in Kommunikáció, Média, Gazdaság (2016) VIII. ÉVFOLYAM, 1. SZÁM – pp. 5-42

  • Lando, A. L.,  Muthuri, L. and Odira,  P. R. (2015)  “The Importance of interfaith dialog in the workplace for achieving organizational goals: a Kenyan case study” in Language and Intercultural Communication. Volume 15, Issue 1,  pp. 62-75. London: Taylor & Francis / Routledge. The PDF of this issue is available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14708477.2014.985306.

  • Lando, A. L. (2014) “The Priest is Communication: Feedback on Priests’ Response to the Great Commission” in The Year of the Priest: Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of the Priest.”  Pp. 122-14012th Interdisciplinary Theological Session of the Faculty of Theology. Nairobi: CUEA Press.

  • Lando, A. L. (2014). "The Critical Role of Crisis Communication Plan in Corporations' Crises Preparedness and Management" in Global Media Journal – Canadian Edition. Vol.7, Issue 1, pp. 5-19 (Published in both English and French). The PDFs and HTMLs of this issue are available in both languages at http://www.gmj.uottawa.ca/1401/v7i1_e.html and http://www.gmj.uottawa.ca/1401/v7i1_f.html.

  • Lando, A. L. (2013) “Media Ethics in the Kenyan Media? Understanding the Disconnect between the classroom and practice”, in African Journal of Communication. Nairobi: East African Communication Association; Vol. 1. No. 1 pp. 15-42

  • Lando, A. L. (2013).  “What We want to Watch: People Reflecting with the East African Church on the Occasion of Her Golden Jubilee” in Proceedings of The Faculty of Theology of CUEA: Celebration of the Golden Jubilee of AMECEA. Nairobi: CUEA PRESS. pp 203-225.

Conference Paper Presentation

  • Lando, A. L. “Beyond the Pandemic: Embracing Change and Transformation for a Sustainable and diverse Environment”. Paper Presented at the 2nd St. Paul’s University Annual International Research Conference (SPUAIRC) 2022, Nairobi, Limuru Campus, 26th – 28th Oct 2022).

  • Lando, A. L. “Research Misconduct in the Global South Experiences of Daystar University ISERC”. Paper presented at the Daystar University – NACOSTI 2nd Joint Annual Research Ethics Conference (28th -30th September 2022).

Book Introduction

  • Gichure, P. I., Lando, A.L & Kanakulya, J. B. (2011). “Introduction” in Gichure, P. I., Lando, A.L & Kanakulya, J. B. (2011) eds. Modelling a Catholic University to Meet the 21st Century Challenges: Essays in Honour of Revd. Prof. John. C. Maviiri. Nairobi: The Catholic University of Eastern Africa;   P. vii.

Articles in a Periodical (Magazine)

  • Lando, A.L. (2004).   “Women: Challenge for Peace Building” in The African Church  
          Open to the World
    .  No. 90 May - June , New People: Nairobi. p. 29

  • Lando, A.L. (2004).   “Women: Heralds of the Resurrection” in  The African Church Open to the World. No. 89 March – April, New People:  Nairobi. P. 29

  • Lando, A.L. (2004).   “Women: Source of Life” in The African Church Open to the World.  No. 88 January – February, New People: Nairobi. P. 29

  • Lando, A.L. (2004). “Women:  The Power of Silent Prayer” in The African Church Open to the World.  No 93 November – December, New People: Nairobi. P. 29

Research Grants

  • Lando, A. L. Research Grant: over USD 150, 000 for Education Environment and Communication

Research Interests


GRA 801 – Doctoral Colloquium
COM 831 – Media Stewardship and Social-Cultural Institutions

COM 621 – Communication Theory
COM 624 -  (Communication Ethics and Media Law) - MA
COM 681 – Advance Video and Audio Productions
GRW 611 - (Graduate and Research Writing 1) - MA
GRW 613 – Graduate and Research Writing II
COM 639 - (Crisis Communication and Media Relations) - MA
COM 654 (Advanced Corporate Communication and Management)  - MA

COM226 - Interpersonal and Small Group Communication
COM 263 – Writing for Broadcast
COM 264 – Script writing
COM 474 – Media Management
COM 323 – Communication Systems in Africa
COM 364 – Writing for the Screen
COM 321 - (Communication Research, Design & Strategy) – BA

ICO 056 – Radio Production

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