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Showing (401 - 420 of 824 publications)
Emmily Mugasia Sitati

2016: Implementation of early childhood development education (ECDE) service standard guidelines on physical facilities in public and private ECE centres in Kakamega County, Kenya. Journal of Early Child Development and Care, Vol.186, No. 11 pp 1765-1778

 Dr. Winnie W. Waiyaki

Waiyaki, W.W. (2016). Efficacy of Cognitive behavioural therapy cognitive on depression and anxiety disorders among caregivers of kidney patients on dialysis in Nairobi county (Doctoral Research)

Dr.  Agnes Korir

Published "Analysis if the Experiences of Using Monitoring and Evaluation System in Service Delivery among Local Authrorities in Rwanda: A Case of Sector Councils in Gasebo District” By Diane Nyirarukundo and Dr. Agnes Korir (2016)

Prof.  Martha Kiarie

Kiarie-Makara, M. W., Nzau, A. M., Ngumbi, P. M., Waithima, A., Bowen, M. K., Nzunza, R. M., Ingonga, J. M. & Ngure, P. K. (2016) A Descriptive Survey on Knowledge, Attitude, Practices and Beliefs (KAPBs) on Kala-azar among the Residents of Marigat Sub-County, Baringo County. International Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 6 (2), 1-5. doi:10.5455/209302/ijtmph

Prof.  Martha Kiarie

Kiarie-Makara, M.W., Dong-Kyu Lee (2016) Comparative Larvicidal and Residual Activity of Bacillus Thuringiensis var. Israelensis and Temephos (1.0 % Sg) In Granules Against Culex Pipiens Pallens (Diptera: Culicidae) In Semi-Field Tests IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) e-ISSN: 2278-3008, p-ISSN:2319-7676. Volume 11, Issue 1 Ver. I (Jan. - Feb. 2016), PP 24-32. www.iosrjournals.org. DOI: 10.9790/3008-11110118

Prof.  Martha Kiarie

Peter K. Ngure., Sichangi Kasili., Christopher O. Anjili., Robert M. Karanja., Josyline Kaburi., Milcah Mwangi., Geffrey K. Kinuthia., Martha

Prof.  Martha Kiarie

W. Kiarie-Makara., Annastacia Nzau., Lucy Irungu., Philip M. Ngumbi (January 2016). Effects of Metarhizium anasophliae on sand fly populations in their natural habitats: a cross-sectional study in Marigat Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health (IJMPH)

Dr.  Geoffrey Kinuthia

Ndeti CM, Kituyi C, Ndirangu M, Ingonga J, Chimbevo ML, Ochieng JO, Barasa M, Kinuthia G, Maina EM, Nyambati VCS &Anjili CO (2016). Efficacy of combination therapy using extracts of Aloe secundiflora Eng L and Callistemon citrinus William C. in Leishmania major infected BALB/c mice.East African Medical Journal, 93 (3): 127 – 134.

Mr.  Michael Kirumbu

Ntwiga, D., Weke, P., and Kirumbu, M. (2016). Trust model for social network using singular value decomposition. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 14 (3), 296-302

Dr. Monica Opiyo

Johnson, JS., Opiyo, MN. Thomson, M, Gharbi, K, Seckl, JR, Heger, A and Chapman, KC.(2016) 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 alters the gut microbiome response to a high-fat “western” diet." J Endocrinol 232(2):273-283.

Dr. Emmanuel Wamalwa

Wegs C, Creanga AA, Galavotti C, Wamalwa E (2016). Community Dialogue to Shift Social Norms and Enable Family Planning: An Evaluation of the Family Planning Results Initiative in Kenya. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153907. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153907

Dr. Joanes Kaleli Kyongo

Kyongo, J.K., K’Obonyo, P., Pokhariyal, G., & Kidombo, H. (2016). Management competence and performance of firms listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. Canadian Open Management Journal, 2(2), 1-9.

Dr. Joanes Kaleli Kyongo

Kyongo, J.K., K’Obonyo, P., Pokhariyal, G., & Kidombo, H. (2016). Firm-level institutions and performance of companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 4(10), 881-893.

Dr. Joanes Kaleli Kyongo

Kyongo, J.K., K’Obonyo, P., Pokhariyal, G., & Kidombo, H. (2016). Human resource management bundles and performance of firms listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(10), 13-19.

Dr. Joanes Kaleli Kyongo

Kyongo, J.K. (2016). Effect of managerial competence, firm-level institutions and human resource management bundles on the performances of publicly quoted companies in Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(12), 202-209.

Dr. Joanes Kaleli Kyongo

Kyongo, J.K. (2016). Effect of interpersonal competence on organizational performance. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 4(12), 215-219.

Dr. Joanes Kaleli Kyongo

Kyongo, J.K. (2016). Effect of technical competence on firm performance. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research, 3(12), 2116-2119.

Dr. Dinah Chebet Keino

Dinah Chebet Keino, Dr.Hazel Gachunga,Dr Kennedy Ogollah (2016) Effect of recruitment on employer Branding in the Mobile Telecommunication company in Kenya. Strategic Business and Change Journal of Management, volume 3, issue1, article 7.

Dr. Dinah Chebet Keino

Kithae,P.P.,& Keino D..(2016).Effects of Work Life Balance on Staff Performance in the Telecommunication Sector in Kenya. Archives of Business Research, 4(1), 129-138

Dr. Dancan Irungu

Mwangi, A., & Irungu, D. (2016). How strategic planning culture has made Equity Bank remain at the top of micro finance banking in Africa and the world. International journal of economics, commerce and management, IV(9), 644 - 659.

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