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15 Publications

Prof. Michael Bowen

Associate Professor of Environmental Economics

B.A. Agricultural Economics (Egerton University), M.Sc. Agricultural Economics (Egerton University), Ph.D. Environmental Economics (Moi University).

Title and Responsibilities

Principal, Nairobi Campus & Professor School of Business & Economics

Overview of responsibilities
  • Coordination of academic functions of the campus
  • Execution of administrative duties
  • Coordination of financial and development activities

Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, Department of Economics


  • Principal Nairobi Campus, Daystar University
  • Board member of the Capital Markets Authority
  • Chairman IDB Capital (A parastatal under the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives) from June 2016 to Date
  • Associate Professor of Environmental Economics From 2014 to Date
  • Director, Research, Publications and Consultancy at Daystar University (2015 to Date)
  • Council Member at Daystar University (2012-2014)
  • Deputy Director, Quality Assurance, Daystar University (2013-2015)
  • Head of Department (Business Administration) Kenya Methodist University (2003-2005)
  • Senior, Researcher at Daystar University (2005-2012)
  • Lecturer, Kenya Methodist University (2002-2005)
  • Chairman, Senior Staff Association at Daystar University (2012-2014)
  • Member of two school boards in Keiyo South Constituency
  • Lecturer for the last 16 years
  • Involved in seeking research grants and carried out research worth Kshs. 106,835,000
  • Supervised more than 100 masters students and PhD students
  • Published several papers and book chapters
  • Presented papers in international conferences in the USA, Netherlands,
  • Hong Kong, Japan, Dubai, South Africa, UAE, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda,
  • External Examiner for National University of Science and Technology (Zimbabwe) Jomo Kenyatta University, Kenya Methodist University, Moi University, Africa Nazarene University, Management University of Africa, University of Eldoret
  • A member of Kenya HIV and AIDS Research Coordination Mechanism of National Aids Control Council
  • Member Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
  • Member, Daystar University Ethics Board
  • Acted as Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Affairs for a month
  • Acted as Deputy Vice-Chancellor-Administration, Finance and Planning for six months

Academic Qualifications

Doctoral Degree PhD Environmental Economics 2006, Moi University
Masters Degree MSc. Agricultural Economics 1997, Egerton University
Bachelors Degree Agricultural Economics 1992, Egerton University
Title of PhD Thesis: The Impact of Risk on Land Investments in Kitui and Machakos Districts

Publications (15 Publications)


  • Ngure P.K, Nzau, A.M., Kiarie, M.W., Waithima A.K., Bowen M.K., Ingonga J.M., and Ngumbi P.M. (2017) From Mud and Stick-Walled Houses to Corrugated Iron Sheet Houses: A New Strategy for Preventing Human-Vector Contact in Marigat Sub-County; a Leishmaniasis-Endemic Area in Kenya, SciMedCentral, Annals of Clinical Cytology and Pathology

  • Ndambuki, A., Bowen M, & Karau J. (2016) The effects of business strategies on growth of market share in the telecommunications industry in Kenya: a case study of Telkom Kenya. European Journal of Business and Strategic Management, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 4, p. 16 - 32, apr. 2017. ISSN 2518-265X. Available at: https://www.iprjb.org/journals/index.php/EJBSM/article/view/366

  • Bowen et. al. (2016) Survey on knowledge, attitude, practices and beliefs on Kala Azar among the residents of Marigat sub-county, Baringo County, Kenya, International Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, Available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301636790

  • Kitilit C.J., Bowen M., Amata E. (2016), The Role of Agency Banking In Improving Financial Access in Kenya: Case Study of Langata Constituency, Journal of Developing Country Studies, available at https://www.iprjb.org/journals/index.php/JDCS/article/download/38/37/

  • Kangogo, J., Guyo, W., M. Bowen, M., & Ragui, M. (2013). Supply chain disruption in the Kenya floriculture industry: A case study of Equator Flowers. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(7), www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222- 2839 (Online)

  • Karanja R. and Bowen M. (2012) Student Indiscipline and Academic Performance in Public Schools in Kenya, Daystar University Working Paper

  • Bowen, M.K. (2007), “Risk Management as a Way of Reducing Poverty in the Semi-arid Lands of Kenya” Perspectives, A Journal of Daystar University, Kenya, vol.1 No. 2.

Book Chapters

  • Bowen M. (2017) Africa Christian Organizations and Socio-Economic Development In Africa Christian Leadership: Realities, opportunities and Impact; Edited by Robert J. Priest and Kirimi Barine (Orbis books) Maryknoll, New York, 10545 available at www.orbisbooks.com/african-christian-leadership.html

  • Bowen M.K. and Mutua T. (2015), Parents modelling their children’s marriage, In Redeeming Christian Marriage, Daystar University

  • Muthomi J. & Bowen M. (2012), Levels of External Contact and Communication for Children in Institution Care in Nairobi, Kenya, in Our Children, Our Being.

  • Mwakubo, S.M., Bowen M.K., Yabann W.K. and Maritim H.K. (2009), Impact of Transaction Costs and Risks on Terracing in Kenya, In Sustainable Land Management in the Tropics, Explaining the Miracle, Eds. Burger K and Zaal F., Ashgate Publishing Limited, London.

  • Bowen, M.K. (2002), “Risk and Business Growth,” in Negotiating Social Space (East African Micro enterprises)-Alila P. & P.O. Pedersen (eds.), Africa World Press, Trenton, pp. 291-304

  • Bowen, M.K. et. al. (1999)“Impact Assessment of the WEDCO Enterprise Development Project,” Institute for Development Studies, Occasional Paper No. 68, University of Nairobi.

  • Bowen, M.K. et. al. (1999)“Impact Assessment of the WEDCO Enterprise Development Project,” Institute for Development Studies, Occasional Paper No. 68, University of Nairobi.


  • Bowen Michael & Lillian Kimeto (2016) Integrating participatorycommunication into slum upgrading in Kibera: The case of the Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme-Japan

  • Mwaniki E. & Bowen M. (2015) The Extent of Participatory Development in Youth Projects: the Case of Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) Beneficiaries in Gachoka Constituency, Kenya – Paper presented at an international conference Istanbul, Turkey

  • Bowen M. (2014) The demand and conservation of herbal medicines among the poor in the semi-arid lands of kenya Paper presented at an international conference in Abu Dhabi

  • Ogolla M. & Bowen M. (2012), Presented a paper on The Impact of financial management reforms on development resource absorption (A case of Central Government of Kenya) at African Finance Journal Conference, at Panari Hotel, Nairobi Kenya, 19-20 April 2012

  • Nibyiza F. & Bowen M. (2011) The Effect of Internet on Students’ Learning-The Case of Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Rwanda, Paper presented at an International Conference on e-learning at Aga Khan Academy (Mombasa).

  • Muthomi J. & Bowen M. (2011), Levels of External Contact and Communication for Children in Institution Care in Nairobi, Kenya, Paper presented at a Conference on Child Development Symposium at Sarova Panafric Hotel (Organized by Daystar University).

  • Magu, B. & Bowen M. (2011) The Effectiveness of HIV and AIDS Risk Communication in Selected Campaigns among the Youth in Gatina, Kawangware, Paper presented at an International Conference organized by NACC at Kenya School of Monetary Studies

  • Zeddie M. & Bowen M. (2011) The Impact of Alcohol on the Family: A Study among individuals abusing alcohol in Kangemi’s Informal Settlement, Nairobi-Kenya, Paper presented at a conference at Kenya Institute of Administration organized by NACADA.

  • Attended a conference on E-learning in Dar-es-alaam (2011)

  • UN Habitat Member of Technical Advisory Committee on “Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment” Dubai 2010

  • Bowen, M.K. (2009) “Factors that Determine Deforestation along the Elgeyo Escarpment: Paper Presented During a Research Colloquium at Daystar University.

  • Bowen M.K. and S. Kibirah, (May, 2004) “Effects of Wage Policy on Entrepreneurship,” Paper Presented at an International Conference ofEntrepreneurship and Capacity Building” at United States International University (Africa-Kenya).

  • Bowen M.K. and E. Mwiti, (April, 2003)“The Impact of Micro-Credit on Small Scale Businesses in a Rural Setting,” Paper Presented at an International Conference of Entrepreneurship and Capacity Building at United States International University (Africa-Kenya).

  • Bowen M.K., W.K. Yabann and H.K. Maritim, (2002), “Impact of Risk on Land Investments,” Paper presented at the 2nd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists in California (United States of America).

  • Bowen M.K., W.K. Yabann and H.K. Maritim (June, 2002)“The Role of Attitude towards Risk in Soil Conservation,”. Paper Presented at a conference in The Netherlands. The theme of the conference was Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental and Resource Economics.

Research Interests

Environment, Economics, Agriculture, Small Business, Risk, Development


  1. Research Methodology (Masters and PhD)
  2. Environmental Economics
  3. Micro and Macro Economics
  4. Risk Communication

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