+254 709 972 000

Prof.  Levi Obonyo 

Associate Professor of Media and Communication


Dean, School of Communication


  • Obonyo, L. & Erneo Nyakundi. (2011). Journalists and the rule of law. Nairobi: ICJ

Book Chapters
  • Play Theory and Public Media: A Case Study in Kenya Editorial Cartoons, in Fortner, R. S. and Fackler, M. The Handbook of Media and Mass Communication Theory, NY: Wiley-Blackwell, April 2014, pp.726-740.
  • Challenges facing the Media, in Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation: Building a Progressive Kenya. Nairobi: Kofi Anan Foundation, December 2011
  • Development of Media in Kenya, chapter in Thinking, informing and monitoring change program in Kenya. Nairobi: SID.
  • Media and Post Election Violence in Kenya, in Fortner, R. S. and Fackler, M. The handbook of global communication and media ethics. NY: Wiley-Blackwell, April 2011.
  • Thinking scholarship: A reflection on faith and integration. In Kuria, Mike (ed.). Integrating Faith and Learning: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Nairobi: Daystar University, 2007: pp: 92-99.
  • Journalism and communication education in Africa. In Chitty, Naren (ed.). Faces of globalization, Varnasi, India: Genga Kaveri Publishing House, 2003.
  • Kenya. In World press encyclopaedia: A survey of press systems worldwide Vol.1 (2nd Ed.). Detroit: Gale: 2003: pp. 529-539.
  • Philosophy education in varsity curriculum: The Case of Daystar University. In B.J. van der Walt & Rita Swanepoel (Eds.), Signposts Vol. 1. Potchefstroom: IRS, 1998.

Articles Published
  • Njoroge, C. & Obonyo, L. (2017). Influence of PR Strategies on the success of CEO’s image in selected organizations in Kenya. International Journal of Communication and Public Relations 2(1): 46-66.
  • Obonyo, L. & Owilla, H. (2017). Journalists in Kenya. In Worlds of Journalism Study. In https://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/36375/1/Country_report_Kenya.pdf (Accessed 2017-04-19)
  • Obonyo, L. (2012) Media Regulation in Emerging Democracies: The Example of Kenya’s Hybrid Model. In African Communication Research, 5(2): 139-160. Obonyo, L. (2011). Talking Health: HIV/Aids in Kenyan “toons”. In African Communication Research, 4(2): 343-368.
  • Obonyo, L. (2011) Towards a theory of communication for Africa: The challenges of emerging democracies. In Communicatio. 37(1): 1-20.
  • Book Review: Media legislation in Africa: A comparative legal survey by Guy Berger. In Journal of African Media Studies. 2010: 2(2): 255 – 258.
  • Peace Journalism Training in East Africa. In Media Development. 2010: (3):
  • From Cheerleader to watchdog – and plenty more in between. In The Media Observer. May 2010: 10 – 14.
  • Book Review: 50 years of journalism: African media since Ghana’s independence by Elizabeth Barratt and Guy Berger (eds.). In Journal of African Media Studies. 2009: 1(2): 330 – 332.
  • Cartooning in Kenya: Past, present, and future. In International Journal of Comic Art. Spring 2004. 6(1): 96 – 116.
  • Rethinking news values. In Instituut vir Reformatoriese Studie Potchefstroom: PU for CHE, 1996.
  • Universities in Africa: The need for change” with Munyaradzi, M. & Iornengen, K. In Didakticom, 1995.