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Showing (781 - 800 of 824 publications)
Dr. Rebecca Ng'ang'a

The Prepared Harvest Force Ed 1996. Nairobi Publishing Solutions

Dr. Rebecca Ng'ang'a

Challenges Facing Christian Family in 3rd Millennium (Manuscript) by Rebecca Ng’ang’a

Dr. Rebecca Ng'ang'a

Education For Productivity by Rebecca Ng’ang’a (Manuscript at an advanced level)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa, M. (1996): Grassroots Sports in Botswana Sports Development. In Owolabi, E.O and Adolph, T.L. (eds): Sports in Botswana - The way forward. Gaborone: University of Botswana, pp.52-57, ISBN 978-324-67-1-2

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa, M., J.M. Asembo, W.W.S. Njororai and E. Madaga (1996): A study of hockey injuries in Kenya. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:185-194

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Amusa, L.O., A.P. Agbonjinmi and M.Wekesa (1996): Hematological studies in University athletes. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:48- 53

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Kilonzi, L. and M.Wekesa (1996): Music therapy among the Akamba of Kenya. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:135-142

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Ngotho, S.N. and M. Wekesa (1996): The use of music therapy by the Agikuyu of Kenya. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:61-64.

Prof. Faith Nguru

Freedom of Expression in Kenya and USA: A Comparison. African Media Review, Vol. No.10.

 Prof.  Samuel Muriithi

Samuel M. Muriithi (1995). African Crisis: Is There Hope? Lanham: University Press of America.

Dr. Rebecca Ng'ang'a

Let the Children Know their Father: 1995, Nairobi. Lisfestream Concerns

Mrs. Purity Kiambi

Kiambi,, P.K. (1995). A Guide to the Government Inspector. Nairobi: McMillan Kenya.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa, M.(1995): A One-Year prospective study of soccer injuries in the Kenyan National Team. Afri. J. Health Scie.2:392-394

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa, M. and S.M. Gathua (1995): Problems of teaching Physical Education to the physically disabled in developing countries: The case of Kenya. Afri. J. Physical, Health Educ. Recrea and Dance 1:64-69

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa, M. and S.N. Ngotho (1995): Musiktherapeutische Aspekte bei den Agiguyu aus Kenia. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie 6:137-139

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa, M.(1994): Injuries in Sports. Medicus 13:313-314

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa, M. and N.K. Boruett (1994): How are injuries managed in Kenyan High Schools? Medicus 13:315-321

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa, M., H. Langhof and P.Sack (1994): The Asthma Six-Minute Provocation Test (ASMT) and Mountain climbing in Asthmatic children. A comparison of intensities. E. Afri. Med. J. 71:49-52

Dr. Bertha Kaimenyi

KAIMENYI B.K (1993). The Need and Relevance of Entrepreneurship Education and Training Offered as Perceived by the Private Sector. JKUAT / ILO.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa, M. (1993): Sports Medicine. E. Afri. Med. J. 70:669-670

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