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Showing (681 - 700 of 824 publications)
Prof. Laban P. Ayiro, PhD

Ayiro, L.P (2010). An Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and the Performance of Principals in Selected Schools in Kenya. Journal of Advances in Developing Human Resources, 11(6) 719– 746.

Prof. Bernard Boyo

Theology and Politics: The Role of the Church: Christian Involvement in Politics. Germany: Lambert academic Publishing, 2009

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa M & B. Sihanya (eds.): Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya, Konrad Adenauer Foundation & Sportslink Ltd, Nairobi, 2009, ISBN 978-996674120-8 at https://www.kas.de/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=5e532191-8a73-ded8-1922-2fcd04d8f66e&groupId=252038

Dr. Rebecca Ng'ang'a

Life’s Reflections: 2009; NAIROBI. TARUMA VISION CREATORS.

Dr. Sylvia Wakene

S. Wakene Muriuki, 2009, Mediating Violent Electoral Conflict: a Case Study of Kenya, 2007- 2008

Prof.  Martha Kiarie

Kiarie-Makara, M.W., Hae-Soon, Y., Dong-Kyu L. (2009). Repellent efficacy of wood vinegar from Oak tree (driftwood) against Culex pipiens pallens and Ochlerotatus togoi (Diptera: Culicidae) under laboratory conditions. Kosin Journal of Health Sciences Vol.19 Dec 2009, pp 95-106.

 Prof.  Samuel Muriithi

2009: Michael Bowen, Makarius Morara, Samuel Mureithi (2009). Management of business challenges among small and micro enterprises in Nairobi-Kenya. KCA Journal Of Business Management, 1 (2), 16-31

Dr. Kinya Mwithia

Miller, A. N., Golding, L., Ngula, K., Wambua, M. A., Kizito, M. N., Mutua, E., Odondi, C., Booker, N. A., Mwithia, J. K., & Rubin, D. L. (2009). Couples communication on sexual and relational issues among the Akamba in Kenya. African Journal of AIDS Research. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2989/AJAR.2009.

Mrs. Purity Kiambi

Oladipo and Kiambi, Language as a divine creation. Nairobi: Daystar Perspectives

Dr. Daniel Aswani

Francis E. A. Owakah & Daniel Robert Aswani (2009).  ‘Technocracy and Democracy: The Challenges to Development in Africa,’ in Thought and Practice, Vol.1(1) (June 2009) 87-99.

Dr. Lois Musikali

Musikali, L. M. (2009), ‘Why Criminal Sanctions Still Matter in Corporate Governance’, International Company and Commercial Law Review 20(4), 133-141.  

Prof. Bernard Boyo

University-NGO Coalition-Building Initiative (UNCBI) Writing and Collaborative Forum. University of southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA USA August 17-22, 2009. Dissemination of report of the 3-year UNCBI Collaborative Research.

Prof. Bernard Boyo

Post-Election Violence in Kenya: How Universities and Community-Based Organizations Worked Together to Assist the Health and well Being of Vulnerable Urban Children presented at the 8th International Conference on Urban Health,
KICC Nairobi, Kenya October 18-23, 2009.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa, M. (2009) An Overview of Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya, in Wekesa M & B. Sihanya (eds.): Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya, Nairobi-Konrad Adenauer Foundation/Sportslink Ltd, pp.1-12, ISBN 996674120-8

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Wekesa, M. (2009). Traditional Knowledge – The Need for Sui generis system of Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya, in Wekesa M & B. Sihanya (eds.): Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya ,Nairobi-Konrad Adenauer Foundation/Sportslink Ltd, pp.267-300, ISBN 996674120-8

Prof. Michael Bowen

Mwakubo, S.M., Bowen M.K., Yabann W.K. and Maritim H.K. (2009), Impact of Transaction Costs and Risks on Terracing in Kenya, In Sustainable Land Management in the Tropics, Explaining the Miracle, Eds. Burger K and Zaal F., Ashgate Publishing Limited, London.

Prof. Laban P. Ayiro, PhD

Ayiro, P. L. (2009). The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in HIV/AIDS Management across the Education Sector in Kenya. Journal of European Industrial Training- “HRD and Entrepreneurship in Africa, 3(34), 2010.

Prof. Laban P. Ayiro, PhD

Visser-Valfrey M. & Ayiro, L.P. (2008). Mainstreaming Toolkit for HIV/AIDS; UNAIDS, IATT/UNESCO, Paris.

Sr. Prof. Agnes Lucy Lando PhD

Lando, A.L. (2008). Integration of African Traditional Media and Modern Methods of Communication: A pre-requisite for Inculturation of the Christian Message in the Local Church of Eastern Africa. Excerpts from Doctoral Dissertation, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.

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