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70 Publications

Prof. Dr. Dr. Moni Wekesa

Associate Professor of Law & Associate Professor of Sports Medicine

Title and Responsibilities

Associate Professor of Law

Teaching & Research in Law, Community Service


I am a teacher whose childhood dream was to become a Professor. I have trained in the fields of Sports Science specializing in Sports Medicine and in Law, acquiring PhDs in both fields.  I have taught Sports Medicine at Kenyatta University, University of Botswana, and University of Namibia.  I have taught law at Catholic

University of Eastern Africa, Mount Kenya University and now at Daystar University.  I am a Visiting Professor of Law at the Kigali Independent University, Rwanda where I participate in the teaching and supervision of postgraduate Law students.  I am also on the Roll of Senior Scholars of Lusaka University School of Law. I am a practicing advocate, Commissioner for Oaths and Notary Public.

I have taught many courses in sports medicine and in law in various institutions.  I have supervised many postgraduate students at numerous universities.  I served as Deputy Dean of Faculty at the University of Botswana (1996-7), Chair of the Department of Human Movement Science at the University of Namibia (1998).  I have also served as Regional Manager in charge of Africa for Special Olympics International (1999-2001) and as the Chief Executive Officer of Kenya Football Federation (2005).  I was the Founding Dean of Mount Kenya  University School of Law (2010-2016) and the Founding Dean of Daystar University School of Law from 2016 where I still serve to date.

I chaired a National Taskforce on Anti-Doping (2013-2014) which led to the enactment of the Anti-Doping Act, 2016 and creation of the Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya both in 2016. By way of giving back to the community, I have served as a Honorary Legal Counsel – East African Universities Sports  Federation from 2003.  I was on the founding Council of Friends

University-Kaimosi, I also served as Vice Chair of the Bioethics Committee of the National Commission of Science, Technology and Innovation for six years ending in 2018.  This Committee is charged with accrediting Institutional Ethics Committee for purposes of ensuring ethics in research.  I served as Sports Medicine consultant to the National Football team, National Hockey and Volleyball teams in 1990-1995.  I have also served in the capacity of Africa Doping Officer for the International Football Federation and Confederation of African Football.  I also served Football Kenya Federation as Chair of the Disciplinary Committee and also Chair of the Disciplinary Committee of the Kenyan Premier League Ltd.  

I worked as a Consultant for Special Olympics Inc., Ministry of Sports (formulating the Regulations for the Sports Registrar),  Ministry of Sports (Drafting the Anti-Doping Bill, the Anti-Doping  Policy and the Anti-Doping Rules), Kenya Nutritionists and  Dieticians Institute (drafting the amendment Act and Regulations),  Kenya Academy of Sports (Regulations) and Sports Kenya (drafting Regulations), Centre for Multi-Party Democracy (reviewing proposed Constitutions for Sports bodies), Konrad

Adenauer Foundation (Writing and editing legal materials) and Africa Technology Policy Studies (writing and editing materials on Intellectual Property Rights). I serve as a member of the Disciplinary Tribunal of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Integrity Unit based in London.  I also sit on the Anti-Doping Committee of the International Federation of Sports for Persons with Intellectual

Academic Qualifications

  • PhD (Law)  2010, University of Nairobi/School of Law  Dissertation: Regulation of Doping in Sports – The Case of Kenya
  • Master of Laws (LL.M)  2005, University of Nairobi,  Dissertation: Doping Control in Sports: Legal issues in the Transfer of Technology to Third World Countries 
  • Diploma in Law (Kenya School of Law) – Bar Exams August 2002-November 2003, Kenya School of Law
  • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) Upper Second Class Division August 2002, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya  Dissertation: Legal Interventions in the Management of HIV/AIDS in Kenya
  • Dr. Sportwissenschaft in Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation August 1989, Deutsche Sporthochschule, Cologne, Germany Dissertation: Untersuchungen zum Erfolgsnachweis sporttherapeutischer Massnahmen bei stationaer behandelten asthmakranken Kindern und Jugendlichen 
  • Diplomsportlehrer/MSc in Sports Medicine October 1986 Deutsche Sporthochschule, Cologne, Germany Thesis: Diagnostische und therapeutische Massnahmen in Physical Education Programmen und in der Sporttherapie mit asthmatischen Kindern und Jugendlichen - eine Literaturbesprechung als Vergleich zwischen den didaktisch-methodischen Ansaetzen im Deutsch- und im Englischsprachigen Raum.
  • Bachelor of Education (B.ED) First Class Hons December 1981, University of Nairobi

Publications (70 Publications)



Book Chapters

  • Wekesa, M. (2009) An Overview of Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya, in Wekesa M & B. Sihanya (eds.): Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya, Nairobi-Konrad Adenauer Foundation/Sportslink Ltd, pp.1-12, ISBN 996674120-8

  • Wekesa, M. (2009). Traditional Knowledge – The Need for Sui generis system of Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya, in Wekesa M & B. Sihanya (eds.): Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya ,Nairobi-Konrad Adenauer Foundation/Sportslink Ltd, pp.267-300, ISBN 996674120-8

  • Wekesa, M.(2006): What is Sui generis system of intellectual property protection? Nairobi:ATPS, ISBN 9966-916-71-7

  • Wekesa, M. (2005): Fifty Years After Nueremberg – The Fallacy of Informed Consent in Biomedical Research, In: L. Franscisco (ed). Ethics in Kenya, Nairobi:LawAfrica, pp.94-102, ISBN 9966-7034-4-6

  • Wekesa, M. (2005): Internationalization of Patents through Information Communication Technologies, In: R. Bett (ed). Re-invigorating the University Mandate in a Globalizing Environment:Challenges, Obstacles and Way Forward, Nairobi:DAAD, pp.121-130

  • Wekesa, M. (2001): The Female Athlete in Namibia. In: Christensen, K., Guttman, A. and Pfister, G. (eds): International Encyclopedia of Women and Sports, New York: Macmillan, pp.786-787

  • Wekesa, M. (1997): The management of sports injuries in High Schools in Kenya: Implications for Physical Education Programmes in Botswana. In: Owolabi, E.O. et al. : Physical Education in Botswana Schools and Colleges. Gaborone: University of Botswana, pp.158-167, ISBN 978- 32467-3-9

  • Wekesa, M. and J.M. Asembo (1997): Evaluation of physical fitness of top Kenyan soccer referees and linesmen on the Cooper test. In: Amusa, L.O., M. Wekesa and A.L. Toriola (eds): The Making of an African Athlete:A multidimensional Approach. Gaborone:AFAHPER-SD, pp.60-65, ISBN 987-32467-2-0

  • Wekesa, M. (1996): Grassroots Sports in Botswana Sports Development. In Owolabi, E.O and Adolph, T.L. (eds): Sports in Botswana - The way forward. Gaborone: University of Botswana, pp.52-57, ISBN 978-324-67-1-2

  • Wekesa, M. (1990): Die psychosoziale Situation des chronisch asthmakranken Kindes in der Familie. In:Lecheler, J. and J. Fischer (eds.): Bewegung und Sport bei Asthma bronchiale, Cologne:Echo Verlags-GmbH, ISBN 3-926518-25-1

  • Wekesa, M., H. Langhof and W. Hollmann (1990): The effect of three weeks physical training on the PWC, Lung function and Co-ordination of asthmatic children and adolescents in Hospital. In: Hermans, G.(ed.):Sports, Medicine and Health. Amsterdam:Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp.1406-1411.

  • Herhaus, D. and M. Wekesa (1990): Die Bedeutung von Sport und Spiel fuer die Persoenlichkeitsentwicklung des asthmakranken Kindes. In: Lecher, J. and J. Fischer (eds.): Bewegung und Sport bei Asthma Bronchiale. Cologne:Echo Verlags-GmbH, ISBN 3-926518-25-1

  • Wekesa, M., H. Langhof and P.Sack (1989): Bergwandern mit Asthmakindern: Eine leistungsphysiologische Untersuchung unter Einschluss von EKG-Telemetrie und Peak Flow Messungen. In: Boehning, D. et al.(eds.): Sport - Rettung oder Risiko fuer die Gesundheit. Cologne:Deutscher Aerzte Verlag, pp.974-977, ISBN 3- 7691-0195-2

Refereed Journal Articles

  • M Wekesa & AW Kinyua (2023) Epistocracy or Democracy - The Place of the Common Person in Constitutional Amendment in Kenya Open Journal of Political Science (OJPS)

  • M Wekesa & M Awori (2020) The State of the Law on Euthanasia in Kenya 8(2020)1 J Med Law & Ethics 1-14 at http://repository.daystar.ac.ke/xmlui/bitstream/handle/123456789/3162/The%20State%20of%20the%20Law%20on%20Euthanasia%20in%20Kenya.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

  • M Wekesa, M Muendo & A Mikinyango (2020) The Use of Electronic Tracking and Monitoring Systems and the Right to Privacy 5(2020) 4 IJSSTR 1-35 at https://www.academia.edu/44083927/THE_USE_OF_ELECTRONIC_TRACKING_AND_MONITORING_SYSTEMS_AND_THE_RIGHT_TO_PRIVACY

  • M Wekesa (2019) Presidential Petitions in Kenya: Have Decisions of the Supreme Court Met the Test of Constitutionalism?  African J for Constitutional Law ,55-80

  • M Wekesa (2018) Technology Related Challenges to Product Liability Litigation – The Case of Mobile Telephony. Daystar Law Journal 1(1):48-72

  • M Wekesa (2018). Court of Arbitration for Sport: Its Relevance to Kenya After Pechstein? Int Sports Law J (ISSN 1567-7559) DOI 10.1007/s40318-018-0121-3 at http://repository.daystar.ac.ke/xmlui/bitstream/handle/123456789/3987/The_Court_of_Arbitration_for_Sport_CAS_i.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

  • M. Wekesa (2015) Challenges in Regulation of Biomedical Research: The Case of Kenya. Niger J Clin Pract 18:S25-S30 at https://www.njcponline.com/article.asp?issn=1119-3077;year=2015;volume=18;issue=7;spage=25;epage=30;aulast=Wekesa

  • M. Wekesa (2012). Towards a Sports Jurisprudence in Kenya. Mount Kenya University Law Journal (MKULJ) 1(1):19-36

  • M. Wekesa (2012). Regulation of Doping in Sports in Kenya – Are we on Course? Mount Kenya University Law Journal (MKULJ) 1(2):1-20

  • J.H. de Ridder, K.D. Monyeki, L.O. Amusa, A.L. Toriola, M. Wekesa and J.E.L. Carter (2000): Kinanthropometry in African Sports: Somatotypes of Female African Athletes. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) 6:1-15

  • A.L. Toriola, L.O. Amusa, K.D. Monyeki, M. Wekesa, J.H. de Ridder and J.E.L. Carter (2000): Body Composition of elite African racket game players. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) 6:48-53

  • J.M. Asembo and M. Wekesa (1998): Injury pattern during team handball competition in East Africa. E. Afri. Med. J. 75:113-116

  • Monyeki, K.D., L.O. Amusa, A.L. Toriola, M. Wekesa and J.H. de Ridder (1998): Somatotypes of elite female basketball and handball players at the 6th All Africa Games. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) 4:1-7

  • Wekesa, M., L.O. Amusa, T.L. Adolph, B. Kalui, E. Busang and K. Thaga (1997): Gender differences in leisure and recreation patterns of young Batswana. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 3:196-210.

  • Njororai, M. Wekesa, J.M. Asembo and G.K. Kiganjo (1997): The effectiveness of Physical Education lessons in improving fitness levels in University students. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 3: 27-38.

  • Amusa, L.O., A.P. Agbonjinmi and M.Wekesa (1996): Hematological studies in University athletes. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:48- 53

  • Kilonzi, L. and M.Wekesa (1996): Music therapy among the Akamba of Kenya. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:135-142

  • Ngotho, S.N. and M. Wekesa (1996): The use of music therapy by the Agikuyu of Kenya. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:61-64.

  • Wekesa, M., J.M. Asembo, W.W.S. Njororai and E. Madaga (1996): A study of hockey injuries in Kenya. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:185-194

  • Wekesa, M.(1995): A One-Year prospective study of soccer injuries in the Kenyan National Team. Afri. J. Health Scie.2:392-394

  • Wekesa, M. and S.M. Gathua (1995): Problems of teaching Physical Education to the physically disabled in developing countries: The case of Kenya. Afri. J. Physical, Health Educ. Recrea and Dance 1:64-69

  • Wekesa, M. and S.N. Ngotho (1995): Musiktherapeutische Aspekte bei den Agiguyu aus Kenia. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie 6:137-139

  • Wekesa, M.(1994): Injuries in Sports. Medicus 13:313-314

  • Wekesa, M. and N.K. Boruett (1994): How are injuries managed in Kenyan High Schools? Medicus 13:315-321

  • Wekesa, M., H. Langhof and P.Sack (1994): The Asthma Six-Minute Provocation Test (ASMT) and Mountain climbing in Asthmatic children. A comparison of intensities. E. Afri. Med. J. 71:49-52

  • Wekesa, M. (1993): Sports Medicine. E. Afri. Med. J. 70:669-670

  • Wekesa, M. (1993): Injuries and Illnesses at the 7th Africa Feminine Volleyball Club Championship. Medicus 12:8-11

  • Wekesa, M. (1993): Sports therapy with leprosy patients. Medicus 12:107-111

  • Wekesa, M. and J.M. Asembo (1993): The performance of top Kenyan Referees and Linesmen on the Cooper test. Medicus 12:138-141.

  • Wekesa, M. and J.M. Asembo (1993): Physical Fitness testing of elite Hockey, Rugby and Soccer players in Kenya. Medicus 12:241-248

  • Wekesa, M., J.M. Asembo and W.W.S. Njororai (1993): Preparation and Medical management of the Kenyan National Hockey team during the Fifth Africa Cup of Nations. E. Afri. Med. J. 70:671-677

  • Wekesa, M. and H. Langhof (1993): The effect of a three week sports training programme on the coordinative ability of asthmatic patients. E. Afri. Med. J. 70:678-681

  • Wekesa, M. and P.J. Rotich (1993): Ein Heiltanz bei den Elgeyos (Kalenjin) aus Kenia. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie 4:22-24

  • Wekesa, M. (1992): Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) after walking. A case report. E. Afri. Med. J. 69:473-474

  • Wekesa, M. and J. Onsongo (1992): Kenyan Team Care at the Special Olympics 1991. Brit. J. Sports Med. 26:128- 133.

  • Wekesa, M. and M. Debelicô°€ (1991): Der Cooper-Test als Erfolgsnachweisverfahren der Sporttherapie bei stationaer behandelten asthmakranken Kindern und Jugendlichen. Praev. und Reh. 3:171-176.

  • Wekesa, M. (1990): Tanztherapie-Uebungen zur Selbsterfahrung dargestellt am Beispiel der geistigen Retadierung. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie 3:1-4

  • Wekesa, M., H. Langhof, W. Hollmann (1990): Ergebnisse eines dreiwoechigen Sporttrainings mit Asthmakindern. Praev. und Reh. 2:115-118

  • Wekesa, M. (1989): Therapeutische Aspekte der Musik- & Tanztherapie in Kenia. Int. J Music-, Dance- & Art therapy 2:99-102

  • Wekesa, M. and M. Debelic (1989): The recovery HR and PEFR values in determining effectiveness of Physical training programmes and cardiac effects in asthmatic patients. Chest (Suppl). 99:46

  • Wekesa, M. (1989): Therapeutische Aspekte der Musik- & Tanztherapie in Kenia. Int. J Music-, Dance- & Art therapy 2:99-102

  • Wekesa, M., H. Langhof and P. Sack (1988): Mountain Climbing with asthmatic children: an examination of the physiological working capacity including peak flow measurements and telemetric ECG-monitoring. Int. J. Sports Med. 5:381


  • Wekesa, M. (1991): Adapted Physical Education for the Multiple Handicapped. KISE Bulletin, March,.29-31

  • Wekesa, M. (1991): Dance as therapy in Mental Retardation. KISE Bulletin, August,. 37-41


  • Wekesa, M. & A Mikinyango (2022) Model Cooperation Protocol for Sharing of and Access to Research Facilities - a Handbook.  Scinnovent. A Monograph.

  • Wekesa, M. (2022  Steps for Making an Intellectual Property Policy - User's Guide.  Scinnovent.  A Monograph. 

  • Wekesa, M. (2022) Intellectual Property Strategies in Selected Countries - Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia.  Scinnovent.  A Monograph. 

  • Wekesa, M. & A Mikinyango (2022) Handbook on Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights - A step by Step Guide.  Scinnovent.  A Monograph


  • M Wekesa & A Mikinyango ‘A Protocol for Sharing of Research Facilities in Kenya’  Presented at the Second Annual Daystar International Scientific Conference held in June 2022 at Daystar University, Nairobi.

  • M Wekesa & A Mikinyango ‘Commercialization of Research Results in Kenya’ Presented at the Second Annual Daystar International Scientific Conference held in June 2022 at Daystar University, Nairobi.

  • M Wekesa & AM Kinyua ‘Epistocracy of Democracy?  The Place of ‘Wanjiku’ in Constitutional Amendments’  Presented at the Second Annual Daystar International Scientific Conference held in June 2022 at Daystar University, Nairobi.

  • M Wekesa, MA Owuor , A Mikinyango, & W Kinyua ‘Basic Structure, Unamendable/Eternity Clauses and Popular Initiative in Kenya’s Constitution – A Comparison’ Presented at the Conference of African Network of Constitutional Lawyers held at University of Nairobi on 28-29 October 2021

Research Interests

  • Sports Law
  • Protection of indigenous Knowledge
  • Law and technology
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Medical Law and Ethics


Constitutional Law, Intellectual Property Rights, Law-ScienceTechnology, Research Methods for Lawyers, Legal Systems & Methods, Legal Research and Writing

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