Research dissemination workshop for Implementation of Child protection and safeguard policy

On April 20, 2022, the Daystar University Institute of Child Development led by Dr. Roseline Olumbe, held a workshop to disseminate finding of a research on the implementation of the child protection and safeguarding policy. 

The research project was funded by Porticus – an international development agency, to carry out capacity assessment on the implementation of the Child Protection and Safeguarding policy.  

The study was led by Dr. Olumbe as the Principal Investigator, assisted by Dr. Philemon Yugi, Dr. Ciriaka Gitonga as co-investigators.


The dissemination workshop was attended by the Ag. Deputy Vice-chancellor, Prof Martha Kiarie, Deans of Schools, Directors Heads of Departments, Senate members, and faculty from the School of Applied Human Sciences.   

Speaking at the workshop, Prof. Martha Kiarie said the University puts a lot of value on research, whose findings are released through major conference held every year. 

“I trust the findings being disseminated here today will be presented during our next annual conference in June,” she said, further lauding the Daystar faculty for being part of the solution for the problems facing  the society today. 

“As we gather to discuss how to safeguard our children, we are within the Daystar University mandate,” she noted. 

The Keynote Speaker was Dr. Waruingi Muhindi, Assistant Director in the Directorate of Children Services.  Representing the Secretary Mr. Shem Nyakutu, Dr. Muhindi called on institutions that deal with children to partner and come up with sound programs for the Ministry and the country.  

“Issues of child protection cannot be done in isolation, we need to work together,” he urged. 

“Unless an organisation has a child protection and safeguarding policy statement, these things can easily slip through the fingers," said Dr. Roseline Olumbe, further explaining that experience helps to contribute to creating child policies. 

The project, which commenced in 2021 entailed developing data collection tools, conducting capacity assessment among Porticus partners in Kenya, developing a training manual based on established gaps, training the participating organizations and selected Early Childhood Development (ECD) Centres in Nairobi.  

Lessons Learnt from the policy implementation were shared by Worldreader, Dignitas, Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN), and Tujisaidie Education Centre representing Early Childhood Educational (ECD) institutions. 

Daystar University

Daystar Universty

Daystar University is a Christ-centred non-denominational institution of higher learning which exists to equip Christian servant leaders for the transformation of church and society.

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  • John Doe

    John Doe

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  • John Doe

    Helen Doe

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  • John Doe

    Anna Doe

    Jan 08, 2021 14:41 pm

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