Daystar University


Home News > 22, Jun 2024
Daystar Signs MoU with JAMK University in Finland

[June 22, 2024] Daystar University has signed a memorandum of Understanding with JAMK University of Applied Sciences, in Finland to cooperate in fields of common interest, including:

  1. Faculty capacity building which includes equipping faculty with competent skills in problem-based learning and as training of trainers (TOT).
  2. New programme development
  3. Talent management in both academic and non-academic areas including sports
  4. Joint admissions for students which will expose students from both institutions to Finland and Kenya, enabling them gain experience in academic, industry and cultural diversity.

The partnership with see 15 Daystar University faculty travel to Finland in January 2025 for training in problem based learning. The 15 faculty will be drawn from the seven Schools. The 15 will be expected to train other Daystar faculty on problem based learning.