Daystar University to Host The Ancient Manuscript Workshop, May 17-18, 2024

[Nairobi: Friday, May 10, 2024] On Friday, May 17 and Saturday, May 18, 2024, the Daystar University School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS), will host The Ancient Manuscript Workshop at the Nairobi Campus on Valley Road.  The workshop will run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm both days.

The workshop, to be facilitated by Professor Danny McCain of the University of Jos in Nigeria, and Professor Scott Carroll of the Ancient Manuscript Group in the United States of America (USA), has attracted over 40 participants from 15 different Kenyan Universities and institutions.  These include: Adventist University of Africa, Africa International University, Africa Nazarene University, Daystar University, The Hebrew Bible Institute, Kenya Methodist University, Kenyatta University, Pan Africa Christian University, Pwani International Christian University, Pwani University, Scott Christian University, St. Paul’s University, The Deaf Society in Kenya, and The University of Nairobi.

The two-day workshop will be commissioned by the  DVC Academic, Research and Student Affairs (ARSA), Prof. Faith Nguru, and the Dean, School of Arts and Social Sciences, Rev. Dr. Patrick  Musembi,

The Department of Theology and Pastoral Studies in the School of Arts and Social Sciences is headed by Rev. Dr. Perminus Mburu, and offers Theology studies at Diploma, Bachelor’s and Master’s levels, and a Master of Arts in Christian Ministries.  For more details visit

The Torah Scroll was donated to Daystar University courtesy of The Ancient Manuscript Group of USA, through Prof. Scott Caroll.  The 150-year old Scroll is a 38-metre long valuable piece printed on calf skins.  Subsequent to the two-day workshop, the Ancient Scroll will be preserved in the School of Mission and Theology Library for access by relevant classes.

The workshop is coordinated by Rev. Steven Nduto, Lecturer in the Department of Theology and Pastoral Studies, School of Arts and Social Sciences. For further information on the 2-day workshop, refer to the attached poster.

Daystar University

Daystar Universty

Daystar University is a Christ-centred non-denominational institution of higher learning which exists to equip Christian servant leaders for the transformation of church and society.

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  • John Doe

    John Doe

    Jan 08, 2021 14:41 pm

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  • John Doe

    Helen Doe

    Jan 08, 2021 14:41 pm

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  • John Doe

    Anna Doe

    Jan 08, 2021 14:41 pm

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