Faculty members attend Capacity Building Training

Members of faculty attending the research workshop at Travellor's hotel Mombasa

From 19th March to 24th March, 47 full time academic staff underwent an intense six-day capacity building training on Academic Writing, Publication, Grant Proposal writing, Teaching Research Methods right, and Conducting Research among others.

The training, which is taking place at Travelers Beach Hotel in Mombasa, began on Sunday 19th March at 5:00pm, and will close on Friday 24th March.  The training is sponsored by the University, hosted and facilitated by the Vice-chancellor Prof. Laban Peter Ayiro

Other trainers include Chairman of the University Council Prof. George Njoroge, Experienced Qualitative Researcher- Dr. Pauline Ngimwa, visiting professor from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology- Prof. Egara Kabaji, Director DLPDI-Prof. Abraham Waithima and DVC ARSA-Prof Faith Nguru. Facilitators on Practical Presentations and Target Settings on Grants include: Senior Research Scientist and Head of Urbanization and Wellbeing, APHRC - Prof. Blessing Mberu, Chief Executive Officer of Research Beeline Ltd - Mr. Joseph Njogu, and Senior Medical specialist at the Kenyatta National Hospital - Dr. David Bukusi.

Also, in attendance is the Chair, Academic and Research Committee of Council, Mr. Allan Bukusi.

Out of the Seminar, a multidisciplinary grant research team will be formed, equipped, and commissioned to grow Daystar University’s research portfolio.

The purpose of the training is to transform Daystar into a renowned research University.

Daystar University

Daystar Universty

Daystar University is a Christ-centred non-denominational institution of higher learning which exists to equip Christian servant leaders for the transformation of church and society.

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  • John Doe

    John Doe

    Jan 08, 2021 14:41 pm

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  • John Doe

    Helen Doe

    Jan 08, 2021 14:41 pm

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  • John Doe

    Anna Doe

    Jan 08, 2021 14:41 pm

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