Library Receives Book Donation

Dr. Martin Munyao donates his recent publication to the library. Receiving the book is University Librarian Mrs Jane Wambua and Deputy Librarian Nairobi Campus Mr. Samuel Kungu

On Monday, 27th February 2023, the University Library, received a donation of two book titles from a faculty member, author, and editor Dr. Martin Munyao.

The two titles are:

  1. Munyao, M. (Ed.) (2022). Online Learning, Instruction, and Research in Post-Pandemic Higher Education in Africa. Lexington Books. MD. https://
  1.  Munyao, M. et al. Eds. (2022). The African Church and COVID-19: Human Security, the Church, and Society in Kenya. Lexington.Books. https://

The two books are compendiums of articles from papers presented at two international conferences held at the University in 2021, and 2020, respectively. 

“The editors’ wishes are that the book donations will be of value addition to the readership within the DU learning community,” said Dr. Munyao during the presentation.

Receiving the books, the Ag. University Librarian, Mrs. Jane Wambua-Yobera,  thanked Dr. Munyao, saying the two titles were a great addition to the content available to the University community through the Library, especially on matters touching on Africa.

Daystar University

Daystar Universty

Daystar University is a Christ-centred non-denominational institution of higher learning which exists to equip Christian servant leaders for the transformation of church and society.

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  • John Doe

    John Doe

    Jan 08, 2021 14:41 pm

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  • John Doe

    Helen Doe

    Jan 08, 2021 14:41 pm

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  • John Doe

    Anna Doe

    Jan 08, 2021 14:41 pm

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