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Showing (41 - 60 of 824 publications)
Dr.  Sylvia Tuikong

Tuikong, S. (2022). The Church and Humanitarian Crisis in the Post-COVID-19 Era. The African Church and COVID-19: Human Security, the Church, and Society in Kenya, 83.

Peter Lee O. Oduor (PhD.)

Influence of Ecumenism towards Politics of Peace, Unity and Development

Mr. John-Bell S. Okoye

Okoye, J.-B. S., Mule, D., Obonyo, L., Kadenge, A. E., Anyasi, L., Mule, J., & Britto, R. J. (2022). To show or not to show? The depiction of terror and death in Nairobi. Journal of Media Ethics, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/23736992.2022.2142124

Mrs. Pauline C. Murumba

Catherine C. Kitur, & Pauline C. Murumba. (2022). The Influence of the Kipsigis Concept of Blessings and Curses on the Understanding of Biblical Concept of Shalom: Toward a Renewed Understanding. ShahidiHub International Journal of Theology & Religious Studies, 2(2), 20-42. ISSN (Online): 2788-67X.Retrieved from https://shahidihub.org/shahidihub/index.php/ijtrs/article/view/113

Sr. Prof. Agnes Lucy Lando PhD

Musa, B. A. and Lando, A. L. (2022) “Religion and Online Community in African Contexts” in the Oxford Handbook of Digital Religion. Oxford University Press.

Sr. Prof. Agnes Lucy Lando PhD

Lando, A. L. (2016) {Scopus indexed in Dec 2022} “Using Media to Resolve Media Engendered Ethnic Conflicts in Multiracial Societies: The Case of Somalis of Kenyan Origin” in Gibson, S. & Lando, A. L. (Eds.) Impact of Communication and the Media on Ethnic Conflict: USA: IGI Global

Dr. Caroline Ayuya-Muaka

Anundo J, Ayuya C, & Ongaro K. (2022). Relapse Risk Factors Across Socio-demographic Patterns Of Persons Admitted With Substance Use Disorder In Selected Rehabilitation Centres In Kenya. Research journali's Journal Of Public Health, 8(3).

Rev. Peter Maurice Mutua

Articles- Pitfalls to Evangelical Theology in Africa.

Rev. Peter Maurice Mutua

The Impact of Christianity in the Social-Economic Life of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Rev. Peter Maurice Mutua

Integration of PBL and eLearning

Rev. Peter Maurice Mutua

Assessment in PBL and grading Rubric

Dr. Caroline Ayuya-Muaka

Anundo J, Ayuya C, & Ongaro K. (2022). A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and 12- Steps Model on Relapse Prevention Among Persons with Substance Use Disorder in Selected Rehabilitation Centers in Nairobi and Kajiado Counties in Kenya. African Journal of Clinical Psychology 4 (3)

Mr.  Anthony Wambua

Wambua, A. W. (2022). eLearning Assessments, Issues, Mitigation Strategies, and the Future. In S. Fazzin (Eds.), EdTech Economy and the Transformation of Education (pp. 21-35). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8904-5.ch002

Mr.  Anthony Wambua

Omambia, A., Maake, B., & Wambua, A. (2022). Water Quality Monitoring Using IoT & Machine Learning. Paper presented at the IST-Africa 2022 Conference Proceedings[Online]. http://www.ist-africa.org/Conference2022/default.asp

Mr.  Anthony Wambua

Wambua, A., & Maake, B. (2022). Characterizing Software Quality Assurance Practices in Kenya. International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems, 8(1), 22-28.

Dr. Namai Obuchere Joab

Namai, J. O. (2022). Investigation of the supervisory practices used by headteachers in managing teachers’ work performance. Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership.14 (5-27)

Mr. Christopher Oyuech

A Decision Support Model for Predicting Avoidable Re-Hospitalization of Breast Cancer Patients in Kenyatta National Hospital https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=118913

DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2022.158017

Journal of Software Engineering and Applications > Vol.15 No.8, August 2022

Evonne Mwangale Kiptinness, PhD

Evonne Mwangale Kiptinness & Winnie Mbatha (2022) Dialogic Communication for E-Learning Success. Online Learning Instruction and Research in Post Pandemic Higher Education in Africa . Lexington Publishers (in print)

Amugo Eric Kadenge

Journal article: Title - To Show or Not to Show? The Depiction of Terror and Death in Nairobi DOI: 10.1080/23736992.2022.2142124

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