National Eating Disorders Week marked
Posted on February 20, 2023 in Announcements
In marking the National Eating Disorders week which ran from February 20 - 24th, Daystar University Compassion and Care Centre (DC3) would like to share the following information with the Daystar Community:

Following the National Eating Disorders Week which was marked from February 20 - 24 2023, the Daystar University Compassion and Care Centre (DC3) wishes to share the following information with the Daystar Community:
What is Eating Disorder?
Eating disorder is a serious mental health illness which includes irregular eating patterns such as, consuming too much or too little food, as well as unfavorable attitudes and beliefs towards one's body, weight, and attractiveness. The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa binge-eating disorder, rumination disorder.
Mental health professionals use DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition) classification system to identify and treat mental health disorders, including eating disorders. The following categories of eating disorders are recognized by the DSM-5: