DLPDI Holds Debt Management Training Graduation
Posted on March 27, 2024 in Education
Daystar Leadership & Professional Development Institute (DLPDI) conducted a training in Debt Management & Credit Control from 25th - 27th March 2024 .

By Hannington Karanja
Daystar Leadership & Professional Development Institute (DLPDI) conducted a training in Debt Management & Credit Control from 25th - 27th March 2024 .
The training was crowned by a graduation ceremony at the Nairobi Campus Mezzanine Room on 27th March. The graduation was graced by DVC ARSA, Prof. Faith Nguru, Director DPLDI, Prof. Abraham Waithima, Marketing Officer, Mr. Alex Mutuku and Assistant Chaplain, Pst. Racheal Ngugi.
In her brief speech, Prof. Faith Nguru applauded the organizers, facilitators and DLPDI for planning and executing an educative program that attracted professionals from different sectors in the country. Prof. Nguru called on DLPDI to continue holding impactful professional short trainings that equip participants with practical skills and enable them to bridge gap in the marketplace. “Education and training make you a better person in society,” she said.
The Director of DLPDI, Prof. Abraham Waithima thanked the facilitators for seamless training on debt management and financial skills. He reiterated DLPDI’s commitment to conducting intense professional training by bringing on board qualified and experienced facilitators. Furthermore, he encouraged graduates to always utilize short training to sharpen their potential and advance their knowledge of ever changing trends in their respective areas of expertise. In conclusion, he urged participants to take advantage of the numerous academic programs offered by Daystar University to broaden their knowledge.
On behalf of the Corporate Affairs Manager, Mr. Alex Mutuku, familiarized participants with the University’s vision, mission and core values. He unpacked the numerous academic programs the University offers and existing partnerships the University has with other accredited institutions of higher learning. Mr. Mutuku commended the graduates and encouraged them to embrace more future training and carry on the Daystar baton of Excellence, Transformation and Servant-leadership.
Pst. Racheal Ngugi noted that God believes in each one of his people to do great works and stressed that God has a purpose for each participant. She later proceeded with the commissioning and benediction.