Daystar Founder Orients INS Lecturers into revised book
Posted on May 18, 2022 in News
On Wednesday 18th May 2022, Daystar Co-Founder Rev. Dr. Donald Smith oriented faculty members who teach INS 111 and 112 on Creating Understanding, the core text for Communication and Culture level 1 & 2 courses.

On Wednesday 18th May 2022, Daystar Co-Founder Rev. Dr. Donald Smith oriented faculty members who teach INS 111 and 112 on Creating Understanding, the core text for Communication and Culture level 1 & 2 courses.
The induction took place at the Founders’ Athi River Campus residence. Dr. Smith recently released a second revision of Creating Understanding, a book he first published in 1992.
Besides orienting INS lecturers on how to use the revised edition, Dr. Smith shared additional resources with the team.
Present was the Co-Founder’s daughter, Dr. Julissa Rowe, who is also the Director of Creating Understanding International, Alex Masinde, the Video Editor forCreating Understanding International, and Sakina Mirichii, the Director in charge of developing a video series for the book’s online content. The book is intended for use not only by students but also those in ministry and missions all over the world.
The INS faculty present were the HoD, Strategic and Organizational Communication (STOC) Dr. Kinya Mwithia leading the team, Mrs. Hellen Maleche, Mrs. Rose Mwangi-Mburu, Mr. Peter Masindano, Mrs. Julie Muraya, Dr. Rebecca Nganga, Mrs. Winnie Mbatha and Ms. Jean Murungi.
He stated that Creating Understanding lays the foundation for Daystar University- which began as a communications institution, and whose flagship programme has been communication. He underscored the importance of understanding the contents of the book, saying that one cannot teach effectively if their assumptions are wrong.
Dr. Smith revealed that a new principle in the revised version is on the Holy Spirit. (The Holy Spirit will guide and empower communication as we listen to and trust Him.) He was categorical that education must begin by knowing God because the fear of God is beginning of wisdom.
“Every Daystar student should have their own copy of Creating Understanding and keep it beyond Daystar, because of its value,” he advised. He added, “Many Daystar alumni have told me that they found the book’s greatest value after they had graduated.”
His nugget of wisdom to the INS lecturers: “Don’t be apologetic that you are a Christian communicator.”
The HoD STOC, Dr. Kinya Mwithia said that the School of Communication was working to combine INS 111 and 112 into one unit. She felt INS should be treated as core to who we are (the Daystar character).
In her vote of thanks, Mrs. Hellen Maleche appreciated Dr. Smith for the effort he has put in revising the book and in mentoring the INS lecturers.
“We hope to continue working together so that we can inculcate the Daystar ethos to the students in the classroom,” she said.
To add value to the book, Dr. Julissa Rowe is working with a team comprising Alex Masinde and Sakina Murichi. The team will work with Dr. Smith, students and lecturers to make the material interactive through the use of interviews, skits, animation and any other form of audio-visual means that can be used to teach and transform lives.