Chancellor Preaches at Nairobi and Main Campus Chapels
Posted on March 01, 2022 in Infospot
On Tuesday March 1, the Chapel service speaker at the Main Campus-Athi River was the University Chancellor, Dr. Florence Muindi. She spoke on the topic, ‘To Serve is to Reign,’ Dr. Muindi drew invaluable reflections from her journey in her high school days at the Kenya High. On one, she cited how she watched the likes of Prof. Faith Nguru - Deputy Vice-chancellor, Academic Research and Students Affairs, who carried herself with dignity while selflessly serving as the Deputy School Captain.

On Tuesday March 1, the Chapel service speaker at the Main Campus-Athi River was the University Chancellor, Dr. Florence Muindi. She spoke on the topic, ‘To Serve is to Reign,’
Dr. Muindi drew invaluable reflections from her journey in her high school days at the Kenya High. On one, she cited how she watched the likes of Prof. Faith Nguru - Deputy Vice-chancellor, Academic Research and Students Affairs, who carried herself with dignity while selflessly serving as the Deputy School Captain.
Dr. Muindi confessed that she always longed to be like Prof. Nguru submitting that Daystar University is blessed to have her as the DVC-ARSA.
In her sermon Dr. Muindi brought out several truths on servitude, what she termed, “going the second mile”. She submitted that service opportunity lies on the second mile, admitting that one cannot get to the second mile (which she described as serving in freedom) unless they have fulfilled the first mile (the duty). She called on the Daystar community to embrace the second mile in their service to God and humanity.
“The second mile, beyond the call of duty is the service I want you to embrace at Daystar University,” she said further adding that when someone has been transformed, he/she can serve the second mile without caring who is overtaking them.
She however submitted that if one does not know Christ as their savior, leading by service would be foreign to them because only the hearts molded in Christ are able to go the second mile.
As he welcomed Dr. Muindi the Vice-chancellor, Prof. Laban P. Ayiro recognized the presence of the University Co-founder, Rev. Dr. Don Smith, and the sacrifice he and Faye had to make to come to Africa as missionaries. He was particularly touched by the fact that the Smiths sold everything they owned in the USA to come to Africa to serve God.
Dr. Smith was quick to remind he community the immense contribution of Faye in the founding of Daystar University. “Without Faye there would be no Daystar,” he said.
The Chancellor preached similar message at the Nairobi campus on Thursday March 3, 2022.
She began by narrating how in her high school days, she served her ten siblings during School holidays, in response to her school motto: Servire Est Regnare, which means, to serve is to reign. She noted that this put her in perfect freedom to serve, seeing that she did it beyond the call of duty as a member of the family.
The Chancellor similarly pointed out that opportunities for service are all around us and all we need to do is recognize and take them.
“Here at Daystar, beyond quality education, you can be transformed to become the servant leader God desires of you,” she advised, further adding that to serve is the pathway to reign, and that the doorway to the process of transformation is service.
Meanwhile in the same Chapel services both at Nairobi and Athi River campuses, students who appeared on the Dean’s list were awarded certificates for excellence in academic performance during the August 2021 semester. Forty were awarded at the Athi River campus on Tuesday March 1, and 38 at Nairobi Campus on Thursday, March 3, 2022.
At the Athi River Campus, the certificates were presented to the students by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Laban Ayiro, while at the Nairobi Campus, the certificates were presented by the DVC Finance Administration and Planning, Prof Muturi Wachira