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Showing (241 - 260 of 824 publications)
 Dr. Winnie W. Waiyaki

Waiyaki, W. (2018). Efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapy for depression on family caregivers of end stage kidney disease patients in Nairobi County. African Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1(3), 1-14

 Dr. Winnie W. Waiyaki

Changorok, S., Yugi, P., Waiyaki,W., Munene, A.(2018). The efficacy of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on Opposition Defiance Disorder in selected primary schools in Nairobi, Kenya.  International Journal of Current Research, 10(10), 74026-74038. 

 Dr. Winnie W. Waiyaki

Changorok, S., Yugi, P., Waiyaki,W., Munene, A.(2018). Risk factors associated with Oppositional Defiance Disorders among students in selected primary schools in Nairobi, Kenya. Elixir Social Studies, 122, 51872-51881

 Dr. Winnie W. Waiyaki

Okumu, S.A., Nzyuko,S., Waiyaki,W. (2018). Effectiveness of NET in the reatment of PTSD and Depression among bereaved adolescents in selected children’s homes in Kajiado County, Kenya Elixir Psychology,123, 52055-520-62

Dr. Mary Mogute

Mogute. M. (2018). An investigation of the determinants of Female Children’s Property Ownership and Inheritance Rights among the Kisii County, Kenya: Implications for Children’s Justice. Interdisciplinary Journal of The Africa Child  (IJAC): Integrating Theory and Practice. Special Edition with a Focus on the Best Interests of Children in Justice System. Published: December, 2018

Dr. Mary Mogute

Mogute, M. (2018). The Influence of Christian Mothers in Nurturing Spiritual Development of Children. International Journal of research in Education and Social Sciences (IJRESS), 1(2), pp. 38-46. Published: October, 2018. ISSN:  2617-4804. www.oircjournals.org 

Dr. Mary Mogute

Mogute, M. & Limbitu, J. (2018). Assessing the Perceptions of Youth Enterprise Fund (YEDF) in Employment Creation Towards Poverty Eradication in Meru, Kenya. International Journal of Liberal arts and Social Sciences. Vol. 6, No 4, pp. 15-28. Published: May, 2018 http://ijlass.org ijlass.org/data/frontimages/articles/vol.6No.4/3.15-28.pdf

Dr. Mary Mogute

Mogute, M. (2018). Collaborative Motivation for Sustainable Learning and Successful Completion of Doctoral Studies: A case of Daystar University  Lecturers in Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social  Studies. Vol. 6, Issue 1. PP. 1-11. Published: January, 2018. www.theijhss.com

Dr. Mary Mogute

Mogute, M. (2018). An Investigation of the Determinants of Women’s Property Ownership and Inheritance Practices among the Kisii Community in Kenya. International Journal of Current Research. Volume 9, Issue 8, pp. 56012-56017. Published: 31st August 2017. ISSN: 0975-833X. http://www.journalcra.com

Dr. Mary Mogute

Presented a paper entitled “Assessing the Perceptions of Youth Enterprise Fund (YEDF) in Employment Creation Towards Poverty Eradication in Meru, Kenya.” During the International Social Work Conference on Professional Social Work and Sustainable Development held between 19th 22nd March, 2018 at Kigali Conference and Exhibition Center, Rwanda.

Dr.  Agnes Korir

Japheth Mativo Nzioki and Agnes Korir. Effect of a Community Health Worker Led Health Education Intervention on Latrine Coverage in Mwingi West Sub-County; Kenya: A Quasi-Experiment. American Journal of Public Health Research. 2018; 6(3):134-138. doi: 10.12691/ajphr-6-3-2 (Published)

Dr.  Agnes Korir

Japheth Mativo Nzioki, Agnes Korir, James Ouma, James Hebert Ombaka, Rosebella Ogutu Onyango. Can Effect of Community Health Strategy on Utilization of Skilled Birth Care in Mwisni Westy subcounty, A quasi Experiment: Journal: African journal of reproductive health-due for publishing in September/October 2018 Edition

Dr.  Agnes Korir

Japheth Mativo Nzioki, Agnes Korir, James Ouma, James Hebert Ombaka, Rosebella Ogutu Onyango Effect of a Community Health Worker Intervention on PostPartum Family Planning among Women of Reproductive Health in Mwingi West subcounty-African Journal of TVET 2018 edition

Dr. Daniel Mutunga

The Perception of the Church in Nairobi on its Involvement in Social Action: Journal Name; Koers Bulletin for Christian Scholarship; https://journals.co.za/content/journal/koers

Dr. Daniel Mutunga

The Church’s Response to Human Need: A Case of the Church in Nairobi; Journal Name; Koers Bulletin for Christian Scholarship; https://journals.co.za/content/journal/koers

Dr. Daniel Mutunga

Eldoret International Conference on Sustainable development at Catholic University of East Africa – Gaba Eldoret Campus, September 2018. 

Presented two papers (1) Religion and Environmental sustainability: An African perspective, (2) Environment - Poverty Nexus: The Twin Threat and barrier to Sustainable development.

Ms.  Keziah Kahiga

Kahiga, K (2018). Factors influencing the job satisfaction of nurses working in obstetric units in public hospitals in Kenya .Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/jnep.v8n2p132

Mrs.  Agnes Nzioka

Individual characteristics influencing utilization of cervical cancer screening services among female health care workers at selected health facilities in Machakos County, Kenya’- Ref: (http://www.sciencepublishing .com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=654&doi=10.11648/j.jctr.2018601.11)

Ms. Asha Mikinyango

Mikinyango A, (2018) The Emergence of Sports Law in Kenya, in Konstantinos Margaritis (ed): Law, Ethics and Integrity in Sports (IGI Global) 241- 262

Ms. Asha Mikinyango

Mikinyango A (2018), ‘Image Rights in Kenya’ Daystar University School of Law Journal.

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