Daystar moves to possess donated land

Posted on March 14, 2023 in News

Daystar University is set to establish an Agriculture Program on donated land located behind the Main Campus Athi River. This was revealed by the Vice-chancellor Prof. Laban Peter Ayiro on 8th March when he led members of Management to meet the family of the late Mzee David Musau Mumama at his Mua Hills home in Machakos County.

Daystar moves to possess donated land

Benjamin Musau points to Daystar Management the boundary of land donated to Daystar University by his late father

Daystar University is set to establish an Agriculture Program on donated land located behind the Main Campus Athi River.   

This was revealed by the Vice-chancellor Prof. Laban Peter Ayiro on 8th March when he led members of Management to meet the family of the late Mzee David Musau Mumama at his Mua Hills home in Machakos County. 

The purpose of the visit was to discuss modalities of how land donated to Daystar University will be formally handed over.  

The University plans to fence off the land, erect a signpost for Daystar University School of Agriculture, appoint a caretaker, and move the University livestock from the Main Campus to the new property.  The program is projected to grow into a School of Agriculture. 

The VC also stated his intention to acknowledge the late Mzee David Musau Mumama in Daystar University history as the largest African donor, and to dedicate a major building to the Mumama family 

Later, the team visited the farm where the son to the late Mzee Mumama, Mr. Benjamin Musau showed the Daystar team the location of the farm, in the presence of a surveyor. 

Mr. Benjamin Musau reiterated that the father, Mzee Musau Mumama, donated 20-acres of land to Daystar University in honour of his son, the late Dr. Peter Musau.  By the time of his demise, Dr. Musau was a faculty member at Daystar University. The University later purchased an additional 10-acres from the Mumama family, bringing it 30 acres. Benjamin explained that Mzee Mumama’s dying wish was that the University would run a project that will benefit the local community. 

The DVC- FAP Prof. Muturi thanked the Mumama family for honouring the wish of their late father rather than keeping the land to themselves, something he termed a rear gesture in today’s Kenya.  

The Ag. DVC-ARSA Prof. Muriithi noted that such a donation could only be made by someone who sees into the future. “Mzee Mumama will be one of the heroes of Daystar University,” he said. 

The Director, School of Mission and Theology, Prof. Bernard Boyo observed that the University will  enjoy the benevolence of a couple that God used in a special way. “God will not forget the work of love that your parents extended to Daystar University,” he told the late Mumama’s children, represented by Prisca, Elizabeth, Benjamin, Esther, Florence, Mumbi, Lilian, James and Faith. 

Accompanying Daystar University Vice-chancellor was the DVC-FAP Prof. Muturi Wachira, Ag. DVC-ARSA Prof. Samuel Muriithi, the Principal Nairobi Campus Prof Michael Bowen, the Director, School of Theology and Mission Prof. Bernard Boyo, Chief Manager Finance CPA Phyllis Mutua, Chief Manager HR Mr. Pius Muia, Legal Manager Mrs. Mueni Kahumbura and the University Chaplain Rev. Miano Weche.  

The Surveyor was asked to move with speed to get the necessary clearance so that work can begin on the land. 

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