Faculty members attend Workshop at Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Posted on December 20, 2022 in News
Two Daystar University faculty members attended a fully funded networking workshop for Supervisors of Doctoral Candidates in African Universities held at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.

Two Daystar University faculty members attended a fully funded networking workshop for Supervisors of Doctoral Candidates in African Universities held at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.
Dr. Caroline Ayuya Muaka and Dr. Rosemary Kowour joined 24 other faculty members drawn from various universities across Africa.
The workshop, fully funded by CREST and DAAD, was geared towards creating an African network of doctoral supervisors who have successfully completed CREST - a seven month Stellenbosch University course for Supervisors of Doctoral Candidates in African Universities that has been offered annually since 2018.
The two Daystar University faculty members presented projects on Doctoral Supervision they will implement in 2023. The projects outlined how they planned to share the knowledgethey have gainedin the CREST with colleagues in their institution and region, and networking initiatives they intend to undertake to continue to enhancethe quality of doctoral supervision at Daystar University and beyond.