Daystar students touch lives in Kibra Slum

Posted on March 08, 2023 in News

On 8th March, 2023, a group of Daystar University students visited Glory Mixed Secondary School and Glory Primary School in Laini Saba of Nairobi’s Kibra Slum to provide menstrual hygiene solution to girls.

Daystar students touch lives in Kibra Slum

Keis Sakini- Communication, Rhoda Fayo- Counseling Psychology James Mbui - Actuarial Science/Theology, Ben Maina - Community Development, Madina Denge - Communication, and a Daystar Alumnus at Glory Primary School in Kibra slum, Nairobi

On 8th March, 2023, a group of Daystar University students visited Glory Mixed Secondary School and Glory Primary School in Laini Saba of Nairobi’s Kibra Slum to provide menstrual hygiene solution to girls.  

They donated goods worth kes. 500,000, including reusable sanitary towels, detergents, and underpants for boys and girls.

The group was led by Athi River Campus DCF Chair James Mbui, and included Ben Maina, Odawo Brightone, Faith Maritim, Respah Gitari, Bridget Amesa and Dorcas Naishorua

This project is the brainchild of James N. Mbui, current Chair of the Daystar Christian Fellowship (DCF), and a fourth year BSc. in Actuarial Science student.  

A former student at Glory Mixed Secondary School, James witnessed first-hand the struggles girls went through especially during their menstrual period. This is what motivated him to come up with the project to offer sanitary hygiene solutions to girls living in slums.

His vision is to enhance menstrual cycle hygiene among girls living in Kibra, the largest slum in Africa, by mobilizing support from male counterparts in the Kibra community and society at large. The aim is to get the whole community involved, in the long run. 

To support the cause, the group invites the Daystar community to donate through Mchanga account link: 

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