Daystar and Shepherd universities visit KISE
Posted on June 15, 2023 in News
Students and lecturers from Daystar University Education department and Shepherd University based in the United States of America visited the Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE) for a learning experience session.

Students and lecturers from Daystar University Education department and Shepherd University based in the United States of America visited the Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE) for a learning experience session.
They toured the Assessment and Research Center and the Inclusive model Pre-school.
They later had a meeting with Elizabeth Chege; Assessment Coordinator, Timothy Gakuo and Christine Onyango from Assessment department, Physiotherapist; Vincent Gesora, Margaret Wambui from Partnership and Linkages and Wanda Adhiambo from Communication department.
The officers discussed possible partnerships in the assessment of Children for education placement especially in Primary school, Outreach and Parents Sensitization programmes, and exchange programmes among other Related topics.
The visit was led by Education department HOD and visiting faculty from Shepherd University Prof. LeAnn Johnson.