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5 Publications

Rev. Dr. Patrick Musembi, PhD

Ag. Director, DLPDI

Title and Responsibilities

Dean, School of Arts & Social Sciences

Giving Strategic Leadership to the Department; Designing, Reviewing and
Implementing Academic Programmes; Identifying, recruiting and
mentoring faculty; Planning and Supporting Teaching and Learning,
Budgeting and implementing a growth oriented budget as well as advising
and mentoring of students.


I am an accomplished educationist with over 20 years’ teaching experience at university level.

I conceived and founded department of the Peace and International Studies at Daystar in 2010. I developed and implemented the curriculum for BA in Peace and Conflict Transformation of Daystar University in 2008 making Daystar the first University in Kenya to offer a BA in Peace and Conflict Transformation.

I have strategically grown the number of faculty members from 1 to 25 and grown the Academic Programmes from One to Five including one diploma, two BA and one MA programme.

Under my leadership the department has grown from about 43 students in 2010 to over 1000 students accounting for 20 percent of the student population in 2019.

Additionally, I chair the Spiritual Nurture Committee (SNC) of the Senate which is responsible for the Spiritual Welfare of the University. I help initiate and guide Spiritual Nurture programmes for the Community.

Away from Daystar, I Chair the National Board of Trustees (BOT) of the Christian Chapels Kenya where I mentor young pastors, help them in the running of their local churches, as well as developing governance and accountability structures for the ministry in Kenya and beyond.
I am an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators of Kenya

Academic Qualifications

  • 2018 - PhD-Peace and Conflict Studies: Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)
  • 2008 - MA-Peace Studies and International Relations: Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • 1997 - Master of Divinity (M.Div): Africa International University (AIU) formerly the Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (NEGST)
  • 1992 - BA (Economic & Geography): Egerton University, Njoro

Publications (5 Publications)


  • Musembi, P, (2018). Pursuing Peace: A Biblical Perspective. An unpublished manuscript currently being tested in the teaching of PEA 285 Theology of Peace-building at Daystar University.

Book Chapters

  • Musembi, P. in Boyo, B. (2014). Continuous staff training on integration of faith and work in Christian universities. Daystar University: Nairobi.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Musembi, P. (2018). An assessment of the approaches employed in the management of conflicts: A case of Tana River County, Kenya. Available at DOI: https://doi.org/10.24941/ijcr.32297.09.2018

  • Musembi, P. & Iteyo, C. (2018). Exploring the Role of Community Participation Approach in the Management of Protracted Conflicts in Africa: A Case of Tana River County, Kenya. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS). Volume 2, Number 7, July 2018, pages 4- 17.

  • Musembi, P. (2007). The Role of the Church in the Challenge of Poverty Alleviation in Sub- Saharan Africa’ Perspectives. An academic journal of Daystar University, January, 2007 Vol. 1. No. 2

Conference Paper Presentation

  • 2017 - Presented a paper titled, “Post-conflict Reconstruction and Peacebuilding Efforts in South Sudan: An Assessment of the Post- Liberation Role of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)” in a workshop titled “Balancing Justice and Peace The Role of Regional Organizations in Justice Processes, funded by the Royal Irish
    Academy to build capacity for early-career researchers in Kenya on May 18th 2017

Conferences attended

  • 2016 - I participated in curriculum development for a diploma in peace and conflict transformation for the institute Great Lakes Peacebuilding Institute, based in Burundi.

  • 2008 I participated in a Reconciliation Conference organized by the Great Lakes Institutes of Peace-building (GLI) in Burundi.


  • Musembi, P. & Kaburu, M. (2012). Conflict communications guidelines for conflict mitigation with regard to conflicts in Isiolo. (A manual published by the Interreligious Council of Kenya and UNICEF, 2012.)

  • Musembi, P. (2008). Towards Community Cohesion and Conflict Transformation. A Bible Study Guide prepared for Daystar Community in response to the post-election violence, January 2008.

Research Interests

My research interests include: Conflict Analysis, Armed Violence Reduction (AVR), Peacebuilding, Reconciliation, Conflict Transformation, and Community Security. Currently,

I am involved in an ongoing research project about the conflict in Tana River County, in the delta of Kenya’s largest river, which has persisted for so long in spite of numerous interventions by state and non- state actors. This project seeks to build capacity among the various stakeholders, organizations and government agencies involved in managing the Tana River conflict.


  • 2011-2014 I was a member of the National Reference Group on reconciliation of the Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission of Kenya
  • 2011-2012 I was Consultant Researcher on Country wide Socio-Economic Marginalization In Kenya (Upper Eastern Region) with the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission of Kenya (TJRC)/UNDP.
  • 2012, I was hired as a Consultant to develop conflict communication guidelines for conflict mitigation on the conflicts among pastoral communities in Isiolo, Kenya a project funded by UNCEF in conjunction with the Interreligious Council of Kenya, April-July 2012
  • Conflict Management for Employees of TEARFUND (UK)-Kenyanon Workplace Workshop Facilitator 2010 I was contracted as a office.
  • 2008 I mobilized Daystar University community towards community healing a reconciliation and prepared a bible study guide on community cohesion and reconciliation which was launched in Daystar and used by the entire community to foster healing following the 2007/8 PEV in Kenya.
  • 2001-2008 I was involved as a Dialogue Facilitator among grassroots communities in Nakuru, Molo, Olenguruone, Eldoret, and Mombasa, focused on community-based peacebuilding and conflict resolution with funding from Daystar University, Life in Abundance International (LIA), the Samaritan’s Purse, and Seed, USA


Currently teaching Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Seminar on Selected Topics in International Relations to graduate students, and Human security to second year undergraduate students.

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