Dr. Regina Muthoni Gachari Profile

HoD, Department of Language & Performing Arts


Dr. Regina Muthoni Gachari

HoD, Department of Language & Performing Arts

Daystar University





Name: Dr. Regina Muthoni Gachari
Mobile: +254 709 972 000
E-mail: rgachari@daystar.ac.ke
Website: None
Updated: 27 Nov, 2024
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I have taught Language and Literature in three secondary schools in Kenya where I also served as head of English, Patron of Young Christian Students and House Mistress. I was also a tutor of English in In-Service courses organized by the British Council for teachers of English in Kitui District (1987-1990). 

At Daystar university I have taught Language and Literature courses to undergraduate students. I have also taught research writing at Masters Level, Doctoral colloquium to PhD students and also supervised masters’ students.

Administratively, I have also served as Head of Humanities department. During my tenure, I offered leadership in the development of curriculum programmes such as Revision of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed Arts),  development of  B.Ed .  in Early Childhood Education, BA in KISWAHILI,  BA in French, BA in Technical and Professional Communication (TPC),   BA in Geography  and  BA in History.  All the above programmes were approved by Commission for Higher Education (CHE)

During various times, I have also acted as the Dean, Faculty of Arts and Director, Research, Publications and Consultancy.

In partnership with lecturers in my department and other universities, I run workshops on Academic Writing.

I am a full member of Kenya Oral Literature Association (KOLA)

 I am a member of Daystar University Ethics and Review Board, a Reviewer of African Journal of Clinical Psychology, Daystar University and the forthcoming Journal of Communication, Daystar University. I have also served in the Editorial board  of Output, A Biannual Publication of Daystar University.

 From 2006 to date I have been a leader of Small Christian Group for bible study in the university.

At the community level, I serve as an elder at PCEA Sukari Parish where I have been the patron of Teens, Youth and women’s ministries. I have also served as the Session Clerk (the chief executive of the church). Currently I am the patron, Audit committee, Missions & Evangelism and Widows and Widowers ministries. 

I am also involved in a number of women’s organizations. 

Academic Qualification

PhD Literature 2012 Kenyatta university (2009-2012)
MA - English Studies 1996 Oxford Brookes University, UK (1994-1996)
B.Ed – (Language & Literature) 1986 Kenyatta University (1983-1986)
Recent Publications

Undergraduate courses

Advanced writing, Advanced reading, Appreciation of literature,  Modern African poetry, African Literature, Stylistics, Major trends in World literature, Shakespeare


Doctoral colloquium

Relevant Links

No activities to show

Research Interests
  1. Gender issues in Literature with a focus on Women’s writing A hand book of gender terminologies: A self sponsored  on- going project  with Prof Wangari Mwai , USIU
  2. Writing & language issues: Forthcoming Chapters in book
    • Regina Gachari, Jane Kinuthia & Brenda Wambua “Parental Engagement In School And Educational Programmes For Immigrant Learners” in Handbook of Research on Diversity and Social Justice in Higher Education 2019, to be published by IGI Global  
    • Brenda Wambua, Regina Gachari & Jane Kinuthia “Supporting Second Language Learners in Higher
    • Education in Handbook of Research---Handbook of Research on Bridging Family-Teacher Relationships for ELL and Immigrant Students

Conference paper

Jane Kinuthia, Regina Gachari & Brenda Wambua  “Language and Power Relations in Selected Marriage  Ceremonies’ Songs among the Agikuyu and Akamba  Communities”  to be presented at the  International Mother  Language Day (IMLD) Conference 2020:  Masinde Muliro  University of Science and Technology (MMUST), Kenya  19th – 21st February 2020


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