East African Educational Publishers Donates Books to Daystar University

Posted on November 02, 2020 in News

On 2nd November, The East African Educational Publishers (EAEP) donated 327 books worth an estimated KES 300,000 to Daystar University. The donation was presented to the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Laban Ayiro, by the EAEP Chairman Dr. Henry Chakava. Speaking during the presentation, Dr. Henry Chakava confirmed that the donation marked the genesis of collaboration and interaction between Daystar University and EAEP. Dr. Chakava invited publishable manuscripts from Daystar University.

East African Educational Publishers Donates Books to Daystar University

On 2nd November, The East African Educational Publishers (EAEP) donated 327 books worth an estimated KES 300,000 to Daystar University.

The donation was presented to the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Laban Ayiro, by the EAEP Chairman Dr. Henry Chakava.

Speaking during the presentation, Dr. Henry Chakava confirmed that the donation marked the genesis of collaboration and interaction between Daystar University and EAEP. Dr. Chakava invited publishable manuscripts from Daystar University.

The Vice-chancellor received the generous donation with gratitude and handed the books to the University Librarian, Mrs. Rosemary Gitachu. He reiterated the importance of the relationship between Daystar University and EAEP saying, “We also look forward to enhancing the generation of knowledge from the University Faculty, staff and students. “We are going to ensure that this collaboration remains alive,” said Prof. Ayiro.

The books cover a wide range of subjects taught in Daystar University, including Business, Economics and Management, Education Studies, Computer Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Law, History of Africa, Oral Literature, and Autobiographies of historically renowned statesmen and women.

The donation also included a collection of the African Writers series and classics that are popular in the teaching of literature, and for general reading.

In her acceptance remarks, the University Librarian noted that the books will be useful to students in the various academic disciplines offered by the University.

The books will be integrated in the Library collection and students can borrow and read at their own leisure following the laid down library procedures.

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