Infospot Newsletter Issue 5
Library Receives Book Donation
On Monday, 27th February 2023, the University Library, received a donation of two book titles from a faculty member, author, and editor Dr. Martin Munyao. |
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Prof. Michael Bowen appointed Director at Capital Markets Authority |
The appointment was announced by the Cabinet Secretary of the National Treasury and Economic Planning, Prof. Njuguna Ndungu, on 20th February 2023, vide The Capital Markets Act (Cap 485A). The appointment is for a period of three years, effective from 24th February 2023.
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National Eating Disorders Week marked |
Following the National Eating Disorders Week which was marked from February 20 - 24 2023, the Daystar University Compassion and Care Centre (DC3) wishes to share the following information with the Daystar Community...
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