Infospot 25th Nov, 2022 (Issue 18)

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Issue no. 18 Friday 25th November 2022

Issue no. 18 | Friday 25th November 2022

Daystar University churns out 1,123 graduands in 45th Graduation Ceremony

On Friday, 18th November 2022, Daystar University Chancellor, Dr. Florence Muindi awarded...

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Class of 2022 celebrates Graduation Dinner in style

November 15, 2022 was marked by pomp and glamour as the Class of 2022 cerebrated its graduation dinner.

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Graduation Chapel Held for the Class of 2022

Another activity that preceded the 45th graduation ceremony was the Graduation Chapel service.

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Kütahya Dumlupinar University visits Daystar University Vice Chancellor

On 16th November 2022, Prof. Bünyamin HAN of Kütahya Dumlupinar University in Turkey paid a courtesy visit to the Vice Chancellor Prof. Laban Ayiro

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DRGS patents Interuniversity Graduate Students' Forum (Igsf) 

On 15th October 2022, the Directorate of Graduate Studies (DRGS) secured the registration of the Interuniversity Graduate Students' Forum (Igsf)

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Africa Journal for Clinical Psychology Vol. 5, Issue 1

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Chapel Diary 29th Nov to 4th December

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