Daystar University started in Nairobi in 1978 with only four students as Daystar Communications. As the need for degrees grew, it became Daystar University College and issued degrees as a constituent college of Wheaton College, Illinois and Messiah College in Grantham Pennsylvania. Daystar was granted her charter in 1994 and was then allowed to issue Daystar Degrees.
Joyce Mbindyo was born and raised in Makueni. On completion of her high school education, she pursued a course in Bible at Moffat Bible College in Kijabe, Kenya. This opened an opportunity for her to teach at Nduluku Bible Institute as affiliate of the Africa Inland Church in Mbooni. While there she was talking about her desire to pursue higher education abroad. It was then she heard about Daystar Communications and learnt that she could pursue a degree in education and bible and receive and international degree. She promptly applied to Daystar and was admitted with a full scholarship from Tear Fund. In 1992 she graduated with a degree from Messiah College majoring in Education and Bible and a minor in Business.
While in Daystar, she was very active in the ladies ministry, chaplaincy and resident affairs. Upon graduation, she joined Daystar full time as Hostel Administrator from 1992-1995, Campus Administrator Athi River from 1995-1998 and Procurement Officer from 1998-2003 when she retired. Once retired, she went back to her passion of education and invested in a nursery school in Athi River Town.
In 1992 Joyce was diagnosed with goitre. Goitre is an abnormal swelling of the thyroid gland that causes a lump to form in the neck. There are many possible causes including an under or over active thyroid gland, pregnancy, puberty, menopause, smoking, iodine deficiency, lithium, inflammation of the thyroid gland, excessive iodine, radiation exposure, nodules within the thyroid gland and rarely thyroid cancer. In most cases it is treated with a wait and see approach, radioiodine treatment or surgery.
2006 brought a few changes in Joyce health as the impact of the goitre increased and she was put on medication. It was brought under control for a while but the challenges resurfaced in 2015. Joyce’s health became a challenge with pain, breathing problems and enlargement of the lump. At first glance the lump isn’t as visible as in many other cases because it is deep in the muscle mass. However, do to the increased pain and other difficulties, Joyce needs to seek further medical treatment.
Joyce needs to raise Kshs 1million to travel to India for advanced treatment. Like all medical trips, she will be travelling with a friend to ensure she is well cared for. This amount of Kshs one million will cover travel & accommodation for both, visas, surgery, upkeep, and post-operative care. It will also allow them to wait for the stipulated review period and come back with medication.
She held a fundraiser on Saturday 8th August 2015 at St. Jude Catholic Church Athi River and though the turnout was good the target wasn’t reached. She still needs additional support to meet the total budget. Please feel free to reach out to her at
Email: joyceannambindyo@yahoo.com
Telephone: 0713219133.
Direct Bank Deposit: Cooperative Bank Athi River Branch 01109065530800 A/c Joyce Anne Mbindyo
Alternatively drop a line to us at alumni@daystar.ac.ke and we will be glad to help.
You are blessed.
Kyesubire ’00