
I Am The Answer

This week I read an article on Linkedin and I just had to share it here. The author is Chioma Ndukwe a good friend and fellow traveller on this road of seeking God’s grace. Here is the full article and I hope it will really hit the spot for you as it did for me. …

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When No One Is Watching

A story is told of a carpenter called John who worked almost two decades for a successful contractor. One day, the contractor called him to his office and said, “John, I’m putting you in charge of the next building. I want you to order all the materials and supervise the job to its conclusion.” John …

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What Was That Diagnosis Again?

Just after I left home one morning, I noticed a lady walking almost hesitantly and delicately. She wore a cream brocade dress, cream shoes and light brown stockings. She was light skinned and gentle in her appearance and surely out of place. As I came alongside her, I realised she was walking aided by a …

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From The Vale of Marakwet

‘University degrees are no longer prestigious!’ Yes, so I hear. Apparently this is true in some place; allegedly many places. However, that statement is not true to some parts of the country. Let me explain. In my home village, education has always been valued but the resources to send children to higher education often were not …

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Celebrate & Praise Aloud

Enock Tuikong was a student in Daystar University from 1998 to 2003. Enock served as the Daystar Christian Fellowship (DCF) Chair 2002 – 2003, and touched many lives through his selfless spiritual leadership and guidance. He has continued with his selfless introduction, spread and nurturing of faith in Christ to many through the band “Chosen …

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