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When we consider life, which day in our lives, do we consider the most important? Is it our birthday, our wedding day, your graduation day or the day you got saved? Is it the day we met our beloved, the day we beat that guy who had always bullied us, the day we overcame that big obstacle or fear? Is it the day something significant happened? Which is it? In case one of the above options applies, we are most likely living in the past?

How often are we living in Yesterday? Do we keep looking back and using yesterday or the past as the gauge of who we were? Are we constantly looking over our shoulders? If so, we are losing precious time. It is time to realise that yesterday is gone and we cannot relive it, regain it, reconnect to it or restore it. Yesterday is so gone and there is nothing any of us can do about it. It is so dead and buried in the grave with a reinforced steel cement slab. It is time to stop looking over our shoulders; as it is a waste of time.

At the same time, Tomorrow is unborn. Tomorrow is not yet here. Tomorrow is in the womb and we have no assurance that it will get here. We cannot harness or control tomorrow. Tomorrow is beyond our reach. Mathew 6:34 says “do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” If there is nothing we can do about it, we to stop spending time in the future and rather we live to the fullest in the moment so that when tomorrow comes we will be ready and blessed with all it carries.

cropped-peace-of-mind-1.jpgIn view of the above, Today is the most important day of our lives. We cannot do anything about yesterday or tomorrow, but we can do a whole lot about this moment, today. Today, right now is the time to put all the knowledge, experience and wisdom we have accumulated to good use. In this moment we can learn something new that will help us be better people. In this moment we can change direction if the direction we are taking is not ideal.

Today is full of opportunities and privileges that can and must be harnessed or they will be lost forever. Today is all we have, it is a gift; a present. If we do not live today to the fullest the opportunities in today are lost for the rest of our days for yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

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Give today all your attention and be all that God has called you to be today. Wring out all there is in today out so that when you hang it out and it becomes yesterday it is a day well used, drained and finished.

Psalm 118:24
This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Today is all we will ever have!

Magdaline Kiyeng ’11

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