#IStandWithJane #WeStandWithJane

Jane Mwangi 2Our last post in AD2015 was about Jane Mwangi, (pictured left), one of our Alumni who was shot by thugs and left paralysed. I cannot say that the article left me unaffected because it has been so hard to come to terms with.

the story is quite simple, she was coming home from church and was accosted by a thug who wanted her bag and phone. When she hesitated to give her Mpesa pin, she was shot through the chest and the bullet hit her spine. She was saved when her neighbour heard the commotion and came out to find her and they were able to get her to hospital. Only a miracle which is best told in her own words here, saved her life. This year I have been reminded that Jane is indeed a special child of God destined for greatness because she has survived and continues to thrive against immense odds with faith that she will walk again.

The thing that has brought her back to mind and keeps her plight front and center is a sad story really. On Sunday January 10th 2016, two men in our neighbourhood encountered armed robbers as they went home; one survived but the other was not as fortunate and later succumbed to his wounds. Another gentleman from the neighbourhood was shot while helping colleagues get home safely in Tassia. The questions in my mind are many but chief of them are the following:

  • What does Jane Mwangi still need to do here on earth that God has allowed her to survive?
  • What plan does God have for her?
  • How many more lives need to be touched by her?”

I leave the questions out there hoping that God will answer them even if not to me but to Jane herself. With that said, Jane needs our help to raise Kshs 10 million to seek advanced treatment in the USA. Please watch her share her story here and help her raise the funds she needs for treatment.

You can contribute as follows:

  • Bank Deposit: Equity Bank, Milimani, Account name Jane Mwangi Medical Fund. Account number 1450164274483.  Alternatively, there is an M-
  • M-pesa: Pay bill number 596018 in name of the Jane Medical Fund.

Join us as we support Jane.


Kyesubire ’00

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