Dr. Masso joined Daystar in August 1998. He has served in many capacities at Daystar university. He was the senior Lecturer in Physics. He left a mark in the Alumni Association as he led the interim alumni leadership team to develop structures to resurrect the Association 4 years ago. The Alumni fraternity will remember him for providing the critical space to re-structure the Association’s leadership and come up with the current constitution. Rest in Eternal Peace
My deepest condolences.I have only fond memories of Jon. I remember his dedication especially when the university assigned him to work with the interim alumni leadership team to develop structures to resurrect the Association 4 years ago. We in the alumni fraternity remember him providing us the critical space to re-structure the Association’s leadership and come up with the current constitution. Despite the distance from his home at the Lukenya area and our rigorous 7a.m. meetings, Jon would be the first to arrive everyday and ensure the room was set for the meeting by the time the team members arrived at 7:00 a.m.Our condolences to Phyllis his wife. Our joy is the knowledge that Jon has rested with his master who he served with such dedication. Omeno Suji DUAA
So sad that such people as Dr. Masso have to leave us; He really was one of the daddies we had when our daddies were away from us and we were in Athi River in the days when it was almost a desert. We have lost a Dad. Rest In Peace Dr. Masso. Mercy Kyande;Com Accounting & B/Admin & Mngt (2001); MBA – Strategic Management (2012)
Dr. Masso was a Father to us Computer Science Majors, who dedicated a lot of time & effort to our wellbeing not just academically but holistically. He was a shepherd & a true mentor who always brought out the best in us. He will surely be missed!. Denis Murila, BsC – ACS, Class of 07
Trully sad to hear this news!
Dr. Masso worked very well with the Alumni Board and was such a joy to be around. He was committed and had the best interest of both the University and the Alumni Board. Catherine Butaki; DUAA Alumni Board member
I regret the loss of Prof. Jon Maso. I fondly remember your simple life, moulding Science department from humble beginnings as a Dean, Founding Father to Angel of Love – alternative to Valentine’s Day as a University Student in a Christian walk, a sponsor to a number of students. Daystar University Community will miss you most genuinely. Rest in the Lord Prof. Kennedy Kogutu; Communication/Marketing 2009.
I would like to say that Dr. Jon Masso has had a good impact on many lives. He showed us servant leadership and we appreciate it. Thomas Perez Muange Munyao; Business Administration & Management2006
My first Internship on Campus, you granted me the permission and advised me on the best ways to survive in the Computer Science field. Got me the great confidence to be where I am right now and I am glad you shook my hand to it. You have been a Father to every single Science student in Daystar. Still trying to come to terms that you are not with us anymore.Your genius self can be seen in the many great men and women of today that went through you. You have left a legacy and a vacancy one will find very hard to fit. Physics could never have been taught better by anyone. This is a heavy one. Rest in Eternal Peace Dr. Jon Masso. BRIGHT GAMELI; Applied Computer Science 2011
Daystar University runs an enriching student exchange programme with institutions of higher learning in the United States. I interacted with Dr. Jon Masso on its interviewing panel in my undergraduate years. He brought an authentically American perspective to the panel, seeking to break through our illusions of his motherland. I aced the interview, to thereafter embark on one of the most exciting times in my life. His Christian attempt at deconstructing the Empire abides with me to date. We last met at Kabuku, in Limuru Sub-County, just over two years ago. A car in a convoy he and his wife were a part of, had broken down. They were seeking local support to get moving. Vintage Dr. Masso was the one reaching out to the area’s residents! Kwaheri Mwalimu! Jesse Masai, B.A Communication, Class of 2004.
I never got an opportunity to attend any of his classes because I took a different field from Computer Science, but I remember him as a father figure to many of us back in 2004. Occasionally he would come to chapel on Sunday’s with Dr. Chip Kingsbury and he would have the boldest smile. He was friendly to everyone and he would always chat with you whether he knew you or not so long as you were a Daystarian. Fare thee well Dr. Masso David; Class of 2007,
We are the difference. He was a kind and gentle soul with a great sense of humor; always welcoming and pleasant. What a heavy loss. Edwin Kuria, B.A Communication, 2011.
I am sad to hear of the passing on of my former lecturer Dr. Jon Masso. Dr. Masso was famous for walking around with his cup of steaming coffee. He passed a love for Physics to his ACS class and I thoroughly enjoyed every one of his classes and got A’s in his units. He was always listening to his students ideas and thoughts and was a jolly, generous man. May God rest his soul in peace and comfort his family and friends. Mwende Makathimo
A pleasant father figure to many, always loving and kind, may God bless and keep you in His care. Kisinga Timothy Kitheka, MBA, 2011.
Dr. Masso was the coolest Dean of all times. He listened to everyone individually. He was such a good man. May God rest his soul in eternal peace. Joseph K Githae; Applied Computer Science Class of 2006
This is terribly sad news. May Dr Masso truly rest in God’s heavenly peace. I remember him as a warm and friendly person to everyone (students and staff) and he was passionate about all things computer science. May God comfort and help his wife Phylis and family through this sad time. Emily Momanyi; B. Com MIS 2007
A great inspirational and outspoken leader May His Soul Rest in Peace. Humphrey Asamba Enonda Communication , 2011
My condolence to the entire Daystar fraternity I listened to Dr. Maso and his wife in kitengela early January where he was buying a safaricom line and we had a brief chat . He was humble, dedicated and a peaceful man. True to the Daystar spirit, may his soul rest in peace. Hon. Daniel Ole Kanchori
The news of Dr Masso’s death caught us by surprise and naturally, we were sad. We have lost a man who has lived in purpose and passion, with a heart for others and a vision for generations. We believe that life is about the eternal purpose that God has for each one of us. Dr Masso has accomplished what God wanted him to do here on this physical earth. This, with no doubt, is reason to celebrate the life he (dr Masso) lived. May God be glorified in Daystar as a whole even at this time of mourning a man who impacted our lives in different ways. (TIMOTHY KABERIA: 1994-1998 MWERU KABERIA: 1995-2000)
Dear Dr Masso. You were one of the greatest men of my time I have ever met. I remember those early days of my studies at Daystar University. When we were having a cup of coffee at your house in Lukenya..We shared a lot about your younger age in New England, USA. How you received the Lord and how you came to fall in love with Africa…We chatted and laughed. You wanted to know where I came from with that heavy accent which did not sound Kenyan…With my broken English and misplaced vocabularies and grammar,, you and your family listened patiently as I put my story together…I narrated how I fled to exile from Rwanda-Bukavu-Goma-Tingi-Tingi Congo-Kisangani-Mbandaka-Kinshasa-Brazzaville-Bongoville-Kigali-Kampala-Nairobi-Daystar University…”Oh boy, You have covered a 100 year journey in less than 20 years of your life,” you said to me..then we resignedly laughed. “Boy, now you have to thank God for the past and ask Him to shelve it for you because He has opened up a New Day for you. Behold a Dawn is coming,” you said to me..indeed it came to pass…Ever since we kept in contact and encouraged me along the way..I have met thousands of Daystarians who all talked well of you…each one of us has a story about Dr Masso..I am so sad you are gone but I strongly believe, although I am not the one who assigns seats in Heaven, that the Good God remembers the many lives you touched and blessed across this Great Continent and give you a better place you deserve in Heaven…R.I.P Dr Masso. William Adams TWAYIGIZE, PhD; University of New England, Australia, Daystar University, Class 2008
It’s so sad learning about Dr. Masso’s transition to the other side..He loved what he did,. Loved his students, loved his wife… A true servant leader…Dr. Masso made me love physics… His passion was on another level. He was on a league by himself. he leaves such a great and rich legacy.I will always remember his famous phrase “FIKIRIA KWANZA, FIKIRIA TENA, FIKIRIA WAKATI WOWOTE”. See you on the other side…Waithera Kibinda
Dr. Masso never taught me but I admired the way he treated his student’s particular those taking physics. He was one of the few lecturers who showed up at the university riding a bike perhaps to encourage students and staff to keep fit. May he rest in eternal peace. Morris Mutisya, MIS/BUS, 2011
The news of sudden demise of our beloved friend came as a shock to me. John was such a friendly , warm and friend to work with.I had the privilege of working with him until I exited Daystar in 2003. May the comfort of the Lord that passeth all human understand surround the family and more so his dear wife Phyllis. Solomon Liyosi; 2003
May the Lord of comfort grant family, friends and relatives the peace that surpasses All understanding. Evans OlooM.A Counseling Psychology, 2008
That is very sad to hear. When I was doing my diploma in Athi River; I remember after finishing our last paper I was so excited to go home. The distance to the main road back then was quite a stretch and I recall Jon driving by and offering us students a ride. He was a kind soul. .Wairimu Gitau
I learned of the heart breaking news of the demise of Dr. Masso this morning on 27th February 2017.Its so sad that such a experienced and diligent leader like Dr. Masso would depart that soon even when his name is still aloud in our hearts. During my Four years in Daystar University, I had the privilege of interacting with Dr. Masso as a Lecturer though I was doing Computer Science degree, and also a friend. He was very welcoming, I had an opportunity to take a meal at his house such a humble lecturer but who stood to his decision. I salute Dr. Masso for the life he lived full of commitment to Christian servant hood during his life in Daystar University and as a serious Born again Christian. In my capacity as a 2006 grandaunt and a DUAA member, I convey my utmost condolences to the Family, relatives and friends of Dr. Masso during this difficult moment. May the Almighty God give us strength as we celebrate the life of his soldier in God’s Ministry. Isaac Muema; Community Development; 2006
It is with profound sadness that I have received the news of the passing away of Professor Jon Masso. Words cannot begin to describe the utter shock and indescribable grief that reverberated in my heart when I received this sad email, more so at a time, when I am far away from home.
Professor Jon Masso, will be warmly remembered as a gifted scientist, who spend his time seeking sustainable solutions for Daystar University, by giving freely of his time, advice and expertise. It was indeed, my profound privilege to meet and work with him at the Athi River Campus. I fondly remember meeting him on the corridors of Athi River Campus, holding his favorite mug of Coffee.
We shared our first baptismal christian names in pronunciation, even though his was notably missing the letter “h”.
Professor Masso was meticulous in his duties and responsibilities, which he carried out without fear of favor. His brilliant insights instigated the now famous “GradeSysyem“. His humble, genuine demeanor is a legacy we shall all remember, and seek to emulate. We are forever grateful for the time God gave Professor Masso to serve Daystar University and the milestones he achieved during this tenure.
From my stand point, he was indeed Professor, and he deserves this befitting honor posthumously (DUAA former & Current Board Chair, please pursue this befitting honor in loving memory, on behalf of those he taught and mentored).
I wish to convey my deepest condolences to his dear wife, immediate family, friends and the entire Daystar University fraternity.
Lastly, I conclude with these profound words by Saint Paul, in my humble attempt at summing up my tribute to my fallen hero…..
2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (KJV) R.I.P Prof. Jon Masso ( 19__ to 26th February 2016). John Theuri (DUAA Board Member)
I am sincerely saddened to learn about the passing on of this great man of God,Dr. Masso. I came to know Masso as a very generous man,during my studies at Daystar between 2000-2004. He sponsored two talented girls who would sing for us at our small church near the University,on Sundays.I still hear their beautiful voices ,singing and ministering to my heart in my troubled country,South Sudan. They have been a big source of blessing to us, foreign students. The girls may have completed their University studies by now.
May The Almighty God minister his comfort and consolation to particularly his beloved wife and the entire University’s fraternity. Jesus thanks for the life of your servant Dr.Masso. Chance Baniko; Communication Major; Class of 2004; Juba-South Sudan
It’s so sad to see a Man of God pass on into the next life… As much as I didn’t interact with him so much , the few minutes I had with him will always be cherished … May he Rest in Eternal Peace
Phillip Mului; Communication
I met John about a month ago and he remembered me as the senior most DUSA president of 2008. We exchanged niceties and off we were each on our way to hustle. He was an old man of great insight and distinction. Always encouraging urging and spurring the young computer scientists to be innovative and think beyond their world view. He was an Elder Christian and father to many of us who have walked the disciples’ journey. May the good Lord Grant his family comfort and Grace to bear the absence of this great icon.
David Ekiru; DUSA President 2008/9
Indeed it is a shock…I saw it on Facebook on someone’s status update. I remember Dr. Masso being the kindest soul ever. As I joined Daystar university back in the year 2003, excited to learn more in Computer Science. I remember him also urging us to ask questions during the physics practicals. and although some of us (me included) were dreading the CATs and assignments, he was always willing to offer an encouraging word to each student. My highlight was when the new computer labs were completed and now we could have classes without fighting for space . Comp Science students would now have ample resources to utilize and I know it was one of the projects he was really looking forward to its completion. And of course, his signature coffee mug which he carried around 🙂 I’ll remember his humility, his servant leadership, his drive to demystify the Computer Science course and his encouraging spirit.He will be missed dearly. Fly with the angels Dr. Masso. Beatrice Mwangi, Applied Computer Science, 2008
When we lost Ms Kizito, I felt heavy. The same applies to Dr. Masso. One thing I will always remember about him, is his humility and ‘Jesus’ like smile that had an effect of cooling tempers and disillusionment among us. We should emulate that humility at all times. Rest in peace Dr. Masso. Your soul is in God’s hands now. Goodbye our friend. Zachary Kago; B.A Communication (Electronic Media);2004
I am deeply saddened by the passing on of Dr. Masso and my sincere condolences
Collins Togom
I first saw you walk up the stairs of the academic square looking calm, focused and very much at home. Over time I got to know the professor who looked reserved and business like actually meant business in serving God. Your outreach to the student community is l immense only God knows how many lives you have touched and turned around not as a science professor but a faithful servant of God. Of course your contribution to the science department is equally revolutionary however my interaction with those you have pointed towards Christ or blessed in a personal way keeps on inspiring me. You have fought a good fight and now you have finished the race. May you enjoy God’s absolute presence. Till we meet again. CHOSEN GENERATION
Poleni sana familia ya Dr John maso , the daystar community , and the DUAA committee members since we started to date . It’s painful but I recall pastor Mulwa reading a song , at Baptist when we had lost a teacher lady I can’t recall her name , soon and very soon we are going to meet the king. Sure we are all candidates to meet the king . 2000 chair DUAA . BA Bus admin, minor Community Dev 94
To the family of Dr. Masso, and the entire Daystar family, receive my condolences. Dr. Masso was such a devoted man of God. He has lived his life and is through with God’s assignment. It is for us left, also, to allow God to use us to accomplish that which He has called us to. May He RIP. Juliet K. Mucheke; Education Major; 2006.