Stellah M. Osoro, Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology; Alice Munene, Psy.D. & Mary Mogute, PhD., Daystar University.
Depression is a siginificant public health problem in the Unites States, affecting approximately 12.5% of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) adolescents (Bozzay, et al., 2017). According to Kim et al. (2017), DHH was one of the common disorders with prevalences of 22.7% worldwide. The objective of this study was to investigate the severity of depression among DHH adolescents in selected schools in Nairobi County, Kenya. The 64 perticipants aged 14-20 were recruited for the study using Socio-Demographic Questionnaire (SDQ) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). In addition, the frequency of severe depression among participants aged 14-16 was found to me more at 54.7%. Further, as regards gender distribution, the frequency of severe depression was higher among female participants at 37.1%. It was also noted to be higher among participants, whose level of study was in class three at 19.4%, and participants who lived with both parents at 33.3%, and participants whose parents were employed at 46.8%. This study concluded that depression should be of great concern to clinicians dealing with DHH adolescents in public primary pupils in Kenya.
Keywords: Adolescents, Depression, Deaf and hard of hearing, Hearing Impairment.
Gooreka Okahaabwa, Psy.D; Anne Tweheyo, MA Counselling Psychology; Paul Ziryawulawo, MA Counselling Psychology & Doreen Kukugiza, MA Counselling Psychology.,Uganda Christian University .
Kagunda Julia, Ph.D. & Masibo Lumala, Ph.D., Moi University.
Preskilla Ochieng-Munda, Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology; Alice Munene, Psy.D., Daystar University & Stella Kemuma Nyagwencha, Ph.D., United States International University
African Journal of Clinical Psychology (AJCP) is a Journal of Daystar University, Kenya. It is the first Journal in Africa in the field of Clinical Psychology that employs both qualitative and quantitative research design methods in psychological intervention and applied research.
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